Kim x daughter

414 5 1

Carly age 3
Mother - Kim Burgess
Bath time

Smiling as she looked at her little girl, sat on the floor with her legs crossed and her tongue sticking out as she drawn with her crayons, concentrating on whatever it was she was drawing. Kim turned to look at the clock and saw that it was almost seven thirty in the evening "right, it's bath time now baby" she said as she turned her attention back onto her daughter.

"Okay mommy" the three year old said with a smile and put the crayon she was using down, she did grabby hands to her mother who happily picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. Kim placed Carly on the floor and closed the door before running a bath for her little one , she then undressed her daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Before putting her in the tub she made sure the water was just right, Carly's smile widened and she instantly started playing with the bubbles. Kim then handed the child the rubber duck, she happily accepted it "qwack qwack" the girl said as she played with the toy. The woman smiled , her daughter always put a smile on her face, sure motherhood wasn't easy but it was all worth it, her little girl was such a treasure.

"I've gotta wash your hair now precious, do you want your goggles?" Kim asked, Gracie nodded her head, she loved bath time but she hated getting water yet alone soap in her eyes. Once her goggles were on, she continued to do what she was doing while her mother washed her hair and body. The woman then used the shower head and rinsed all the soap off the child.

Once she was happy with the job she turned it off and pulled the plug out before grabbing the soft cotton cream coloured towel and wrapping it around the child's body, she picked her up out of the tub she started drying her off, she patted the girls hair with the towel to half dry it. She then got the hairdryer and did the rest as she ran her fingers through the beautiful brunette hair with a comb.

Kim then grabbed the changing matt from the corner of the room and placed it on the floor before doing the same with the child, it was essential that Carly wore a diaper at bed time because she still struggled with staying dry throughout the night. Once she was in her diaper her mother put her in her pyjamas which has unicorns on them.

Kim then carried her daughter into the child's room before laying her in bed, she put the covers over the girl before tucking her in, she then looked at Carly with a smile "which one is it tonight?" The toddler gives her mother a grin "pwincess and uneecawn (unicorn)" she requests, Kim smiles before nodding "once upon a time there was a little princess and her unicorn friend..."

(Hope you enjoyed it, and remember, please let me know if you have a request, I'd be happy to have some ideas, it really helps the writer's block)


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