Arc 1 Chapter 2 - First Day

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After the entrance ceremony we were led to our respective classes. On our way I noticed different facilities such as convenience stores, restaurants, and other entertainment facilities. It was quite impressive for a school to be capable of providing such lavish services. The environment was definitely designed to distract students in some way.

Rokusuke and I both glanced at each other and nodded, seemingly noticing this at the same time.

We arrived at the classroom where there was designated seating. Unfortunately Rokusuke and I were not next to each other. I was at the far back left of the class, beside the window. Rokusuke was near the center of the classroom.

As students entered, we observed their behavior and mannerisms. They all appeared to be rather underwhelming. The two girls from the bus were coincidentally in our class as well. The black haired girl was seated directly next to me and the short haired one was seated to the very front of the class.

Looking at the name plates on their chairs, the long haired girl was named Horikita Suzune. The same last name as the student council president. They both had similar features and the last name wasn't that common. She may be interesting after all.

The short haired girl was named Kushida Kikyou. The moment she walked in, she greeted everyone she saw. She seemed quite friendly and was very polite.

I looked over at Rokusuke and he wasn't even paying attention to any of our classmates. This was understandable of course. I knew there were only a few people who could even slightly interest him.

Shortly after all the students had arrived and taken their seats, our home room teacher entered the class. She walked over to the podium in front of the class and looked at us with sharp eyes.

"My name is Chabashira Sae. I will be your home room teacher for the rest of your time at this school. Therefore you will not be switching classes until you graduate. This school operates around the S System."

Chabashira then passed out material about the school and it's system.

"This system allows you to use points to buy whatever you please. You can buy anything using points. One point is equal to one Yen. You will be given 100,000 points at the start of this month. This school evaluates it's student based off merit. All of you have shown your worth from simply being admitted to this school."

Everyone within the class started freaking out and chattering began about how they would spend their points. There were some people a little skeptical about it. Horikita beside me seemed to be one of them.

I immediately understood everything from Chabashira's explanation. I looked over at Rokusuke who had his usual smirk while grinning lightly.

There was one thing I wanted to confirm. I assume he'll let me take care of it.

"Are there any questions? If not, I will now take my leave."

The teacher after seeing my classmates not even paying attention to the things she said sighed. They simply ignored her and continued fantasizing about their new school life. If only they weren't all idiots.

I lightly raised my hand before Chabashira left. She turned towards  me with a small smirk. It seems she was hoping for something like this to occur. This only strengthens my theory.

"Yes Ayanokoji?"

Everyone looked at me. A boy who seemed like a loner and didn't say a word since entering the class. Even the younger Horikita beside me was staring at me somewhat confused. It seems she isn't as good as the elder. It should be fine though.

"I would like to know something."

"If it's within my capabilities then I will do my best to answer you."

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