Chapter 2: First Day Frights

Start from the beginning

Nightwolf: Ah, nice try Scratch. We already re-energized our positivity. Thanks for being a sounding board. Okay bye!

They leaves the attic, closing the door

He accidently pulling Scratch's face off

Scratch: They bother me!

Pete: Wow, all three of our kids in middle-school. They just...

He sniffs

Pete: They're growing up so fast. Next, it's gonna be college, then a career, then grandkids. Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna be a grandpa! You do it!

She takes phone

Sharon: Okay, big smiles! Who's ready for a fantastic school year with minimal trips to the principal's office?

Molly: Me!

Nightwolf: Me Too!

Darryl: Her!

Sharon: All right, you three, have fun!

She sing-song

Molly: You know I will!

He sing-song

Scratch: I guarantee you two won't!

Miss Lightfoot: As I'm sure many of you have noticed, we have a new student joining us. Welcome, Molly and Grey McGee's! Would you like to tell us a little about yourself?

Molly: I sure would! 

Molly: But, I'll let my sister go first.

Nightwolf: Well, my name's Grey but you can call me Nightwolf, I enjoy reading and being independent. That's all, Thank you.

He takes goo

Molly: If you know only one thing about me is that I--

He throws goo on the floor making Molly slip

She tries not to fall making it look like dancing

Molly: Whoa, whoa!

They gasps

Fat Boy: What's she doing?

Molly: Okay, we got it. Whoa! We got it. Okay. 

Molly: You got it!

He laughs

Molly: Whoa-whoa!

She gets her balance back

Molly: I, uh, like to dance?

All class cheers

The class cheers for Molly and Nightwolf. They stop as a student starts slow clapping

(???): Brava!

She walks up to Molly and Nightwolf

(???): "Ahn"-drea Davenport, social influencer, future disruptor, Brighton Middle School's Official Good Will Ambassador.

All class cheers

Andrea: It's a lot of things in one, I know. I'd be honored if you two join me on stage this afternoon at the "New School Year Assembly".

Molly: Wow! Thanks! That would be incredible, "Ann"-drea!

All gasps

Hamster gasps

He eating the food of the class's pet

Scratch: Oh, what's this?

Hamster shrieks

She gasps and giggles

Andrea: It's actually "Ahn"-drea.

Molly: Isn't that what I just said?

The Ghost and Molly and Nightwolf McGee Season 1Where stories live. Discover now