Her frown spoke volumes. "And I'm guessing you won't return the deeds if I refuse?"

He leaned on his elbow, his chin resting lazily on one hand. "I won't risk giving your brother a chance to lose them to an outsider. The consequences could be disastrous, both for you and my pack."

They were already disastrous. Frustration welled up inside her. "This is blackmail!"

"Hardly that," he disagreed. "More a business arrangement. A trading of services, if you like." He tapped one long finger against his lips. "Our agreement should give you a chance to redirect your brother onto a less destructive path. In the meantime, a good lawyer can look at the legalities of returning the deeds to your Grandmother's name."

Maybe so, she fretted, but where on earth would they find the money to retain such services?

"I'm offering you time, Katherine. Something, if you don't mind me saying, that you seem to be rapidly running out of. All I'm asking is that you give me some of yours in return."

She scoffed. Is that all?

"Is a few months in my company really such a terrible sacrifice for your brother?"

A few months! Katherine stared down at her hands, unconsciously rubbing at the finger that had, until recently, sported a delicate gold band. Familiar grief tightened her chest, and she pressed her lips together. Never.

He watched her. Or rather, he watched her hands, his face showing a disquiet that once again suggested he knew exactly where her train of thought had led her. But how could he? She had told no one about Robert, not even her grandmother.

What she really wanted to do was fling his obnoxious proposal right back in his face and flee Little Ashton once and for all, never looking back. But, how could she with her grandmother refusing to even contemplate leaving her childhood home, and Jonathon still so... so... Jonathon.

The distress on her face must have been clear, as Asher leaned forward to place one hand over hers, ceasing her frantic knotting.

"I don't expect an answer straight away," he said softly, attempting to catch her eyes once more. "You need time to think things through before deciding whether or not to accept my offer."

She stared at his hand, barely registering the words he spoke. His warmth soothed her icy fingers, offering her a comfort she hadn't felt since...

No. She snatched her hands away, guilt flooding through her. None of this would be happening if it weren't for them, she reminded herself. I'd still be back in the city where I belong, and Robert would still be...

Katherine rose to her feet so fast she risked once again knocking the piles of papers to the floor. "A few months pretending to be your... your...?" she spluttered, " I'd rather jump off the nearest cliff!”

For a split second, Asher's urbane expression slipped, and Katherine thought she saw a touch of hurt deep within his eyes - but that was ridiculous. She couldn't fathom a werewolf feeling any concern by the rejection of a human. Especially this werewolf who, if gossip in the village was to believed, had the constant company of half a dozen beautiful and eager women every evening.

Which brought her back to her original protest. Why me? Why not one of his own kind?

Because with you, he has leverage, a cruel voice in her head replied.

Silence fell between them. Asher’s eyes never left her face, but he made no attempt to argue or persuade her in any way. It appeared he was, as promised, giving her time to think.

Hunter's Game (Book Two of the Hunter Chronicles) Where stories live. Discover now