Careful Wishing ~ 2

94 5 1


Absolutely Nothing....

Is this what death feels like?

Why is everything so....dark?

Why can't i feel anything?

I don't understand what's happening.

" anybody there..?" I mutter in a small voice that echoed through the endless void.

"This is weird..."I muttered quietly. I was only able to perceive darkness, it felt as though my eyes had been permanently closed even though I could feel my self blink.

"Hello! Is anyone there?!"


" I dead or not? No, there's no way I'm dead that's impossible right...?"
I stood there in silence for a few minutes, confusion and curiosity being the only emotions present in my mind.

"No seriously fuck this. I don't know if I'm asleep or dead but either way > wanna wake up. Let me fucking wake up!!"I yelled into nothingness as I could feel my self starting to break down.

I choked in a sob.

" wasn't supposed to end like this...she opened the door I heard it....I fucking heard it!"My voice cracked between words, grabbing my hair tightly. I finally broke down completely after I slowly sat on the ground.

If there even was one.

"I want to go back! Please just let me go back, she was going to apologize..she always does..."

My cries filled the endless silence of the unknown void.


The unfortunate sound of a heart rate monitor fills the almost completely dark, cold and noiseless room as it has done for the past six years.

A red haired boy laid motionless in a coma on the king sized bed accompanied with a plain set of grey sheets, a white duvet and four sets of pillows, two large and two small.

The room was rather empty it only had a bed, a medium white dresser on the left side of the bed, on the dresser was nothing but a lamp on top. A tube for feeding and a heart rate monitor with a little source of light and on the red haired boys mouth was an oxygen mask.

All these things were checked regularly.

The room was completely rid of any dust, due to the constant cleaning the maids provided. It was in fact a big room unsurprisingly. That was expected for a mansion that costs millions.

The curtains in the room were always closed.

The room had a sad and depressing aura lingering around it, especially as the 14 year old, almost 15 year old boy, laid there. Not a single motion, a single sound, a single muscle moved apart from the rhythm of his quiet breathing that fogged up the oxgyen mask every second.

A silent tear falls out of the boys eyes, they weren't seen as the room was always left dark unless it was time for cleaning or feeding or a normal check up.

Beep! Beep!


The boy jolts up in shock, his tears nearly going unnoticed.

"I...I'm alive?...I'm alive!!" The red haired boy finally notices the oxygen mask on his face, nearly tearing it off.

"Hah....this is great and all but....where the fuck am I?"The red haired boy scratched his head even more confused than he was when he was in pure darkness. At least now he could make out parts of the room, just barely though because his eyes were still adjusting.

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