Kyle shrugged. He drove back to Stan's barn.

Stan went in and opened the door to the garage.

On the ground laid his acoustic guitar, smashed.

"Fuck," Stan said.

"Ah, shit dude, I'm sorry," Kyle said.

"We don't know that it was Ike," Stan said. "It could've been anyone."

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Kyle pulled him into a hug.

"I don't think anyone else was out here. Don't you have a doorbell camera on the garage door?"

Stan nodded, "My dad got security cameras all over our property."

"Let me see your phone," Kyle said.

Stan handed it to him. Kyle looked through the footage from Saturday night.

"There," Kyle said. "My little brother drunk off his ass destroying your guitar."

"It's not a big deal," Stan said.

"It is a big deal," Kyle said. "I'll be back."

He put Stan's phone in his pocket. He picked up the guitar and got back in his car.

"Kyle, where are you going?" Stan asked

"I'm going to kick my little brothers ass."

"Can't I go with you?"

"Nope, I'll take care of it, Stan. You just relax."


Kyle peeled out of the driver and down the dirt road. He sped a little back to his house to make sure he'd catch Ike before he left for school.

He rushed into the house with the guitar.

"Kyle, what's the matter with you?" Shiela asked. "Is that Stan's guitar?"

"Yeah, Ike destroyed it. He snuck out Saturday night to Stan's party and got drunk and destroyed his guitar."

"What what what?!"

Kyle pulled up the video on his phone.

"See mom, there he is, destroying Stan's guitar."

"IKE!" Shiela shouted.

Ike took a couple steps down the stairs. He glanced at the broken guitar.

"Shit," he said.

"Ike! You're grounded! You know better than to be sneaking out! And drinking! Something could've happened to you! And you destroyed somebody's property!"

"Kyle was there drinking too!" Ike protested.

"Kyle, you know better too," Shiela said.

"Ma, I'm almost old enough to drink."

"Ike, you are going to apologize to Stanley and buy him a new guitar, do you understand me?"

"Fine, but mom, Kyle and Stan kissed at that party and they're together or something!" Ike said.

"I don't care," Shiela said. "I know Kyle's liked him for years. Why do you think he's never brought a girl around?"

"Damnit," Ike groaned.

"Ha! I told you she wouldn't care," Kyle said. He wore a smug look.

"You're just a fucking tattletale!" Ike shouted at him.

"Well, you're a brat and you ruined something that's important to Stan. You made him cry, you know?"

"Aw, boohoo, Kyle's boyfriend is sad," Ike teased.

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