3.The Test

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Kawaki Pov

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Kawaki Pov

After a long, leisurely stroll, we finally reached a stunning house that left me utterly speechless with its grandeur.

"Stick close," Sensei instructed, and I readily complied, nodding in agreement.

As we stood before the imposing door, Sensei effortlessly slid it open, revealing the inviting warmth emanating from within.

"I'm back!" Sensei's voice reverberated through the entryway, prompting a petite girl with radiant golden locks to appear, offering him a polite greeting.

"Welcome home, father," she said with poise and tranquility, her demeanor exuding grace.

"Hey there, kiddo, meet my daughter, Yami Hinata," Sensei introduced, and I couldn't help but feel taken aback by the revelation that Sensei had a daughter.

"Hey there, kiddo, meet my daughter, Yami Hinata," Sensei introduced, and I couldn't help but feel taken aback by the revelation that Sensei had a daughter

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"Nice to meet you, Hinata. I'm Ushita Kawaki," I said with a respectful bow.

"Same here, Ushita-san. I've got some food ready. You guys can dig in first before hitting the showers," she chimed in, gliding away with graceful ease.

"Food first, kid. I'm starving," Sensei announced, and I eagerly tagged along, ready to dig in.


Next Day

Today marks the start of my training, and there's a jittery feeling gnawing at my insides as Sensei leads me deep into the forest. He's lounging on a massive rock, casually puffing away on his smoke, seemingly unfazed by the weight of the day ahead.

"So, what's the today's plan, Sensei?" I venture, stealing a glance in his direction.

"Follow me," he replies cryptically, and I obediently trail behind him as we venture further into the woods. Eventually, we find ourselves standing before a foreboding cave entrance, its depths shrouded in darkness.

Without preamble, Sensei produces a rock from his pocket and hands it to me, a single word etched into its surface: "found me."

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I inquire, turning the rock over in my hands, perplexed by its significance.

"Just tell me what you feel," he instructs simply.

"The rock feels rough, and there's some writing on it," I report, passing it back to him.

"Good," he acknowledges before casually tossing the rock into the abyss of the cave. I watch it disappear into the darkness, my bewilderment growing with each passing second.

"This is your test. Find that rock. Fail, and you're out. One simple rule: no lights," he elucidates, his words sinking in with a weight I hadn't anticipated.

"But how on earth am I supposed to find it!? It's pitch black in there!" I protest, but Sensei merely shrugs, unfazed by my uncertainty.

"My advice? Trust your instincts. You've got one week. Best of luck," he offers before striding off, leaving me alone to grapple with the daunting task ahead.

Yami Pov

Upon returning home and leaving the kid to grapple with his test, I stumbled upon my daughter, Hinata, diligently scrubbing away at the dishes.

"Oh, father! Didn't realize you were back. Where's Ushita-san?" she inquired, shooting me a curious glance as I cracked open a bottle of sake and took a hearty swig.

"I've gave him a test," I responded casually, observing the surprise flicker in her eyes, knowing all too well the nature of the trial I'd bestowed upon the kid.

"W-wait, don't tell me..."

"Yeah, but I've given him a week. Odds are he won't make it," I admitted, raising the bottle for another sip.

"But, father, is that even fair?" she questioned, her concern evident in her wavering voice.

"I know it's a tough call. But honestly, I kinda hope he fails. It's the easiest way to get him off my back," I confessed, taking another swig of sake.

"But aren't you supposed to be train him?" she pressed on.

"Listen, Hinata. I'm not keen on training him. He's still green, just like you. One wrong move, and he could be toast on the battlefield," I asserted firmly, drowning my doubts with another gulp of sake.

"Father, I think you've had enough. Let's not go down that path. Remember what Mom always said," she urged, gently prying the bottle from my grasp. I chuckled softly and ruffled her hair affectionately.

"You're just like your mother," I remarked fondly, my thoughts drifting back to the kid. Secretly, I wished he'd throw in the towel and head back home.

One Week Later

Yami Pov

It's the last day of the test, and I find myself wondering about that kid. I bet he's already gone home.

"Oi, kid! Are you in there!?" I shout, my voice echoing through the dark cave.

"As I thought." After waiting a few minutes for the kid, I realize he's probably already gone.

"He's just like any other kids," I mumble to myself as I turn around to walk away.

But suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. To my shock, it's that kid, carrying several rocks in his hands.

"K-kid! Y-you're alive!" I stutter, surprised.

"Huh? Of course, I'm alive. Do you think I'm dead or something?" he retorts as the rocks tumble to the ground.

"Here. I passed the test, right?" he asks, handing me the rock I threw into the cave a week earlier.

Suddenly, I burst into laughter. It's the first time I've laughed so hard in my entire life.

"Kid! Do you realize what you've done!?"

"Umm... I passed?" He confused.

"You not only passed the test, but you also found the rocks that I threw for my past students! You're truly amazing, kid!" I yell out between laughs. Suddenly, he collapses to the ground.

"Rest well, kid. You've really earned it because tomorrow the real training begins," I say as he snores loudly.


"That kid is really amazing, isn't he?" I remark, watching him sleep.

"I can't believe Ushita-san passed your test, father. Even I couldn't do it," my daughter says, looking at the kid with a smile.

"I think it's time for bed. It's already late," I say, and she nods.

"Okay, Father," she replies as she closes the door and heads to her room.

"Before you go, Hinata. Here," I toss her something, and she's shocked by it.

"Is this...?"

"Yes. Is the rock that I tested you with a year ago. He's the one who found it, and the number of rocks he found matches exactly with my past students," I explain, leaving her stunned.

"Well, goodnight," I say, making my way to my room, leaving her alone with her thoughts.


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