Chapter First. So he really died, huh.

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Chapter First. So he really died, huh.
I've been stabbed. The killer was unknown to me, but it seems she knew me. Have we really ever met though? Well, this is such a tragic way to die. Really. You lay there, cramping from the pain, feeling colder and colder as sweat runs down your face. Others stand around you, try to help with the wound when it's already too late. Yes, I'm hopeless. Their voices reach you, but you don't want to listen. I didn't want to listen to their sorry excuses for not being helpful or questions if I'm okay, or if I could stay awake longer. For what have I lived all along? Just to die like this. And it's so common too, dying from a knife. Maybe mom was right. I know all those ways to die, planted them in stories I wrote or tried them in games. Hell, I wrote a book about them, even if I never published it! I have seen so many ways… but now I die from but a flesh wound? This is embarrassing! Gahahaha!

[Unique Skill: Ways to die, the manual acquired]

Well, what would all this babbling matter now. I wonder though, how many people are actually sick enough to run around stabbing the hell out of others? Is it really that common? I mean, apparently she knew me, but didn't she stab that dude there too? Yep, he's bleeding. Out of his arm. Bro got lucky.
And it was a woman to boost! Wouldn't you normally think it's a man going around and giving away treats like these? Like in murderer cases or other sick stuff? I thought so. Not that I'm one to talk, being the victim of a woman. Anyway, can this end sometime soon? I already know that I make girls crazy about me. Sadly, not in a good way. Apparently, they are annoyed by me in a way that some even hate me?

[Skill: Ways to annoy others, the manual acquired [Extra Sense: 'Hate' acquired] ]
[Skill: Thinking…]

Hell, what's up with this voice? Manual? I'm an idiot, as if I would read. Or learn. If it doesn't interest me, it's useless. Yeah, maybe I should have learned more like my mom always told me. But I've never been into all that school stuff and liked to play around more and I'm not gonna be into it now. My sight fluttered, I was able to keep my eyes open. They wandered around all the panicked faces. Unfocused. Hey, that boy got a donut! Give me some too… maybe not. My mouth is full of blood.

[Skill: Quick-witted learning acquired
[Title: 'The Idiot' acquired] ]

Idiot?! Can't even refuse, damn. The reason I died is embarrassing too. Ah shit, why are there only dudes helping me? Why can't there be some women too? I'm straight, you know. And I never had a girlfriend. At least I can dream about some when I'm dead. My bros got me here.

[Title 'The Idiot' grants bonus: Men like you more than women [Title 'The Idiot' upgraded with a 'What a klutz' side-title, effects added accordingly]...]

Oh, I'm almost in heaven. There is no pain anymore, no colors. I can hear something though. Right, had I been stronger and trained more, everything would have been better. Maybe the knife wouldn't have been able to kill me then. Hell, those super pumped dudes look inhuman to me but I guess there must be a reason they like it so much. Maybe it isn't even that bad. I mean, just training won't take my humanity, right?

[Confirmation completed, race will be changed [Title 'The Idiot' has been slightly upgraded, new upgrade possible] ]

Alright, I will see myself out now. Mom, forgive me, alright?

[Race has been chosen according to personality, skills, titles, picking the one most suited…]

And with that, the man closed his eyes with his last breath. He was surrounded by a hulk of men, all crying or panicking for the victim of this stabbing. Though, there was a girl and another man, also stabbed. Just like him. She and him were not surrounded by anyone, as she died in a valley before him and the other man was part of the hulk. The screams of the last soul to be stabbed took every attention from the girl dying.
She wasn't sad about that, no. Actually, she liked that better. Being alone.

A green forest. It was green everywhere, with grass, bushes and trees growing. Nothing stopped them. It was so green that nobody noticed the small green fellow on the ground.
An egg?
How curious.
The egg laid there still. As if its mother had just arrived, pressed hard and forgot to take it back home with her. Who knows if that actually wasn't the case? No one did. There wasn't anyone to see it, and so, the options were endless.
This was a secluded area in the Jura Forest. Not as wild as other parts. A forest with no real owner, but only a dragon. A dragon so strong, that maybe he was the reason that Jura Forest mitigated attacks from other countries. Maybe he wasn't. But sure as hell was he the reason that this forest had expanded over time and reached a sice two times of the dwarf kingdom in the north. That's big, yes.
This dragon wasn't the owner of Jura Forest, nor the king. He was more of a guardian deity, protecting the lives of many.
A divine protection! That was what the monsters in this forest called his protection. But, just as life was continuing normally, his presence- vanished. The many lives that inhabited the forest until now immediately realized. No, it could be said that everyone strong enough realized immediately.
But life- went on. Days passed. Without a guardian deity to protect the forest, it surely was more chaotic from before. And forces outside tried to get a look inside, about what's going on.
But as the day passed, they managed- till the pot boils over.

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