waking up

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Harumi has been in hospital for 6 years after surviving a collapsing building  but remained in a coma for 6 years afterwards her parents both made a tough decision to get a job and pay to afford to keep Harumi in a hospital not being able to afford somewhere nice keeping her alive.

Harumi screams 


hospital staff come running in after hearing Harumi's scream  

staff 1:its a miracle she's awake

staff 2:its okay Harumi just lay back we will call your parents to come over straight away

Harumi:but my parents are dead

Staff 2:your parents are alive and well you finally woke up from your coma 

Harumi trys to sit up but the staff hold her down

Harumi:LET GO OF ME 

Harumi's parents walk in Harumi looks shocked 

Harumi's mother:Harumi this may be hard to believe but you've been in a coma for 7 years

Harumi:this cant be this got to be a dream the sons of garmadon,killing my adoptive parents the crystal council this cant be made up

Harumi's mother:it was all a dream you had in a coma we are alive and healthy Harumi 

Harumi:does that mean the jaded family are alive

Staff 2:yes they are,they adopted a beautiful girl named Hailey 


staff 2:the green ninja?,he hasn't been seen for 4 years how do you even know about him

Harumi:I was fan of the ninja when younger and even had action figures of them and did drawings

staff 1:Lloyd wasn't even a offical ninja then and only the main 4 was known 

I just know him... I need to find him 

Harumi's mom:not so fast you just woke up form your coma

Harumi looks at the window right next to her 

Harumi:I feel hot can you open the window for me 

staff member:fine but you need to calm down 

Harumi looks at the floor to see alot of gifts and cards 

Harumi:s mom they are all the cards we got you and what your brother and his wife got you 

Harumi:when did I have a brother 

Harumis mom:we adopted a teenager after one year you passed he visited you alot and would talk to you for ages

Harumi picks some up and see its mainly ninja merch and some money

Harumi:looks at a brand new shirt her brother got her 

Harumi:I didn't know there was a merch line 

 Harumi holds a baggy t-shirt green with different patches of green colours on the shirt that had Lloyds mask logo on the corner of the shirt

Harumi's mom:not just that Lloyd signed it 

Harumi:did he know I was in a coma 

Harumi's mom:I don't know

Harumi:forgive me for what I'm going to do  

Harumi puts it on and knocks out a staff member the jumps out of the window 

Harumi:thankgod I was on ground floor 

Harumi runs 

and walks into a corner shop 

worker:hi how can I help you

Harumi:I need some trousers

Worker:we don't sell trousers here but I have a spare pair in my bag if you would like them 

Harumi:yes I would like them but what size are they 

Worker:they are a size medium and they are just black leggings 

Harumi:thats good enough for me 

worker:alright just follow me into the staff room 

Harumi walks into the staff room then gets locked in 

worker:Hi Harumi I see you've finally woke up from your coma I'm your brother's wife and I'm keeping you here until your mom comes and gets you 

Harumi:I need to find Lloyd let me out 

Kailey:I cant do that Harumi 

Harumi sees a window, chair and a table in the staff room she searches through Kaileys bag and finds a spare pair of trousers and puts them on

Harumi moves the table close to the wall where the window is and puts the chair on top of the table then climbs onto the table then chair and squeezes through the window then runs to the city 

Harumi sits down on the path catching her breath looking at the crowds of people walking past after she had 10 minutes to herself she stood up and started walking around the city 

??:its big isn't it 

Harumi:who are you

Haru:my name is Haru and I'm your adopted brother 

Harumi:let me guess your going to tell mom where I am

Haru:I was going to but I heard moms voicemails and she said you was looking for Lloyd and I think to help you so you can get closer to move on 

Harumi:did you tell Lloyd I was in a coma 

Haru:mom told you I met him?


Haru:yes I did tell Lloyd and from what a nurse said he also went to visit you once a year for the past 3 years to pay respect 

Harumi:but why would he do that 

Haru:you been sleep talking in your coma and I heard you repeat his name even though you haven't been conscious or heard what's going on in Ninjago 

Harumis dad:there you are Harumi and I see you met your brother,lets go home and get you into therapy I know this all may-

Harumi runs away fast and keeps on running until she cant see her dad or Haru behind she wasn't watching where she was going and runs into a ladder that falls on her 

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