Scott On The Rocks

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It was family game night and we were playing charades

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It was family game night and we were playing charades. Kylie was spread out across my lap and Rob stood up and said "Alright. Yah ready?" "No porns Rob." Khloe yelled and I just sighed knowing that that was probably a necessary thing to say.

I stopped paying attention as Kendall showed me her nail polish color and I smiled and said "I love that blue on you." She smiled and said "Thanks." Then I see Scott and Kourtney come in and I smiled waving at Scott and kissing Kourt's cheek.

"I have something to tell you guys." Scott tried to say something but everyone kept talking over him and Khloe took her turn for charades. I looked over to Kourt and whispered "What did Scott want to say?"

She shook her head whispering "It's meant to be a whole family announcement." I nodded in understanding and went back to messing with my jacket. "Dead Beat Dad!" Kim yelled and I was brought back to reality as Scott said "You're calling me a dead beat father."

I sighed rolling my eyes at Khloe's attempt to be funny but was just rude. "We came here to hang out." Kourt said pissed at Khloe and to be honest she had every right. "He doesn't need to come here." "So leave". Khloe rolled her eyes.

"Ok we will leave. Why would he subject himself to you guys talking sh*t about him when this isn't even his family." Kourt stood up and Scott followed. I sighed and stood up and went to walk out.

"Where are you going." I sighed and turned back around to Khloe and said "I'm going somewhere where people have a excuse my language Kendall and Kylie know how to f*cking read the room." And walked out.


Karter and I were just sitting in the living room working silently just being around each other. It was something we loved to do. We never needed to talk we just liked to be in the same room to know how the other was doing.

When I got a call from Kourt. "Hey Kat it's Scott." "Oh hey Scott how's it going?" I asked slightly surprised. "Um well Kourt and I were wondering if you would like to come with us to a doctors appointment tomorrow at 4:30 to find out the baby's sex."

I smiled and sat up saying "I my goodness I would love to be there with you guys. I'll be there tomorrow. Thank you for inviting me." "Of course I will see you tomorrow." He said sounding happy that I had said yes. "Alright bye."

"What's that about?" Karter asked chuckling at how excited I was. "They invited me to be there with them when they find out the baby's sex." I did a little happy danced which just made them laugh louder.


I was with Kourt and Scott at the doctors office because the invited me to come and find out the baby's sex with the

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I was with Kourt and Scott at the doctors office because the invited me to come and find out the baby's sex with the. We walked 8nto the little room and Kourtney got situated and I looked at Scott and said "You know I try really hard to like you but when you wear sweaters like that it's very hard."

The 3 of us chuckled as I messed with the sweater that was tied around Scott's shoulders. The doctor was just about ready to tell us when there was a knock on the door. "Kourtney, your families here to see you."

I smiled when Kendall and Kylie popped in followed by Kim and mom and Bruce and Rob. "We're about ready to tell you guys the sex." Bruce clapped his hands and said  "Ooh let's do it we have a lot of bets going." 

The doctor showed us the baby's face and then Kourt said "It's a boy!" Everyone cheered and I smiled seeing the smile on Scott's face. I hugged him and then leaned down and kissed Kourtney's cheek.


We're all having family dinner at STK and Karter and I just arrived

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We're all having family dinner at STK and Karter and I just arrived. Of course there were paparazzi and I helped Karter kind of hide their face from them and stood on the outside because they still were not very used to the whole thing.

"Hey guys." I said and kissed Kourtney, Khloe, Kim and Rob hello. I waved Andy smiled at Scott which he gladly returned. "I love that top Kat." Kim said and I said "Thanks." And we all sat down to order. 

"I would love you to be apart of my family Scott. I think I'm the only one who likes you." Scott took a bit of his stake and said "That's not true I think Kourtney kind of likes me. And Kat doesn't mind me when I'm around."

I chuckled taking a bite of the sushi roll Karter and I had decided to share. But I knew since Khloe had started to get a few drinks in her system things were not going to end well tonight. "What do you think I feel for Scott?" Khloe asked Kourtney.

"I feel like you used to like Scott the most and then you got so emotionally into our situation we had." Scott spoke up nodding "I think Khloe went through the break up as much as you did." We all kind of sat there awkwardly.

"Well this is a fun dinner." Khloe said and I stood up saying "Well Karter and I are gonna head home." I pulled out my wallet and pulled out enough to pay for Karters and I's sushi and had handed it to Scott. 

"Thank you for inviting us." I kissed Scott's cheek and he nodded giving me a good genuine smile and whispered "Thank you for being there today. With us." I nodded and kissed Kourt goodbye and waved to everyone else as Karter and I walked out.

Little did I know how much I was going to miss when we went home early.

Word Count (1030)

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