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We departed from the villa just as the sun began to rise, shrouded by a thick haze that kept Edward from coming into direct contact with its rays. The soft, diffuse light created a dreamlike atmosphere, lending a mystical quality to the already breathtaking scenery around us. The trees were ablaze with autumnal colors, their leaves rustling gently in the cool breeze, and the fading light cast everything in a warm, golden glow. Edward drove with a calm and confident hand, navigating the winding roads with ease as we passed by quaint villages and rolling hills that seemed to stretch out endlessly before us. We wound our way through the countryside. As we drove, the quiet hum of the car's engine and the occasional chirping of birds were the only sounds to break the peaceful silence.

Edward's driving was still a thing of beauty amidst all the chaos that would soon insue. He glided around each bend with effortless grace, his hand on the wheel steady as if he had memorized every turn and curve. I couldn't help but be impressed by his effortless skill, and the way he seemed to anticipate each obstacle and maneuver the car around it without breaking his composure.

As we drove deeper into the heart of the countryside, the terrain grew more rugged, the roads winding their way up and down hills that seemed to stretch up to the heavens. The scenery became wilder, more untamed, and I marveled at Edward's ability to navigate the winding roads with such ease.

At last, we pulled up to a secluded area just outside of town, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as we stepped out of the car. The hazy sun cast a faint glow on the scene, revealing a collection of crates and bags that were scattered around the clearing. The humans who had brought the weapons we needed eyed us warily, but Edward approached them with a calm confidence, his expression remaining neutral even as they took a step back.

"Your friend Jasper didn't give us a lot of details for this drop off," A husky man remarked, glancing at us, "What are these weapons going to be used for?" The husky man retorted, a hint of challenge in his voice. Edward's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Jasper gave you all the information you need," Edward replied icily. "Now, hand over the weapons and we'll be on our way." Edward' expression remained neutral, giving nothing away. The husky man armed with a fucking shot gun and his equally armed companions hesitated for a moment, clearly taken aback by Edward's cool demeanor. I couldn't help but marvel at the way he commanded the situation, exuding a sense of power and authority that was both alluring and intimidating.The men hesitated for a moment, but eventually, they begrudgingly handed over the weapons, dropping off crates of ammunition, snipers and of course - bombs.

As Edward and I retrieved the crates and bags of weapons from the humans, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and unease. The sheer power and precision of these military-grade weapons was astounding - almost as impressive as the gear provided by The Collective. The snipers, rifles, and explosives were laid out in front of us like a macabre display, but there was no denying the beauty and craftsmanship of these tools of destruction. The sniper were sleek and menacing, each one a masterpiece of engineering, their barrels shining in the faint sunlight. The snipers, in particular, were awe-inspiring. I marveled at the way the scopes were perfectly aligned, the way the triggers clicked satisfyingly as I pulled them. It was clear that these weapons were crafted with precision and care, and I couldn't deny the thrill of holding such power in my hands. I closely analyzed the snipers, making sure they were properly assembled, and to my surprise - they were already assembled and ready to go, I cocked one and shot Edward a gleeful look,

"This is like Christmas" I smiled, holding the gun up to my eyes and finely inspecting it. Edward began loading the equipment in the car, and I followed closely behind.

"Alright Rambo - let's get going" He urged me, loading the final crate into the car.

"Fine - those creepy fuckers were starting to annoy me anyways." I scowled, shooting them a dirty look as Edward pulled off. As he drove through the picturesque Italian countryside, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty that surrounded us. This scenery made my senses go wild - I couldn't wrap my head around surroundings so perfect. The lush green hills rolled by, covered in a patchwork of vineyards and olive groves, while the bright sun cast a hazy golden glow over everything. Edward drove with his usual calm confidence, weaving through the winding roads with ease as we made our way towards Volterra.

Aren't We Just Terrified? (Edward X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now