Mia felt all eyes avert to her as Aaron walked from one side of Emily to the other to accompany Mia.

"This should be fun." He whispered in her ear making her blush and filled the younger girls with range and jealousy.

She nodded, smiled and looked up at him to acknowledge, and briefly met his gaze. She turned red again but it wan't noticeable to the children, however Aaron saw.

He smiled.

Emily finished reading reading the names and began reading notices. She started with the rules and finished with the day's activities.

"Okay. So if you could all take a seat in a circle we are going to begin with a name game." After all the kids stifling and the girls jocking for a seat nearest to Aaron they all were seated.

The game consisted of them going in a circle and saying their names in a different manner to the next, then in the second round they all needed to say something they liked beginning with the first letter of their name. Then they needed to recite as many people's as possible in the order it began. It was a clever game that Mia remembered playing every year.

When the game was over it was time for some physical activity. Capture the flag.

Every group had an area of 60feet surrounding their flag, for their groups to work and meet in. Within that 60ft were many trees, (some inconveniently located) and a small shed for everyone to keep items in - it was a mystery as to how the sheds always stayed in perfect condition. Most of the children had placed their hoodies and sunglasses in their, while Emily and Mia had their phones inside.

Usually these games were only for the campers, but Emily insisted on Aaron and Mia playing, while Emily stood there spectating. Aaron and Mia were placed onto different teams, and in the end Mia's won. All the girls in Aaron's group attempted to hug him after the game, instead he gave them all high-fives.

When the finished capture the flag and Emily was convinced they all were more confident in talking to each other, the counsellors began walking the group over for lunch. It was already 12:45, and seeing as it was only day 1, Emily gave them a longer lunch break. They had to all meet back at Flag18 at 2pm for their afternoon activities.

Mia spent the walk over talking to a 12 year old girl called Alice. She was incredibly shy, which was good because Mia was always good at making people feel comfortable in talking to her. When the group got to the main sight at Flag9 the group dispatched and Mia noticed Ana approaching. She ran over to Ana to join her for lunch.

After meeting up with Louis and Marco they all headed into the hall for lunch, since it was day 1 it was too crowed and uncoordinated for everyone to eat in the hall at once, so the counsellors were told to eat in their breakfast room again. Once they all had sandwiches on their plates, a pack of potato chips, an a drink, they headed over to their usual table.

"So who are your other counsellors Marco?" Ana asked as Marco had begun eating his lunch.

Mia felt a bit naked; it wasn't that she didn't have clothes on, but something was missing.

'Oh shit! My phone!' She shouted in her head.

They all continued talking and chatting while all Mia could think about was her phone. Typical.

When they all had finished with their lunch, they all left to go hang out with the other counsellors on some benches behind the cabins facing the lake.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" Ana asked hastily.

"Yeah no I'm fine. I will be really quick I'm just getting my phone. I know how to get there - I'll be back soon." Mia walked off down the path which connected all the Flag Points, until she reached Flag15 and felt a hand on her shoulder. It scared the life out of Mia, and within a flash, she had him on the ground with his arms crossed behind his back lying on his stomach.

'Oh shit... What the hell just happened?!' She shouted at herself.

"Wow Mia.... Calm yourself." She stood up allowing Aaron to catch his breath and the masculinity he dropped a second before.

"I am..... Oh shit I am so so sorry! Are you alright Aaron?!" She asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah I'm fine.. What was that? Where did you learn to do that?" He asked as they began walking towards Flag18. She assumed he knew why and where she was going so she just continued.

"Umm... My mum used to take me to self-defence classes and I didn't know I was being followed so I went into panic mode." She said offering him an awkward comforting smile. He laughed.

"Haha! Right.... Okay..... So have you like mastered Kung Fu or something haha is that why she doesn't take you any more?" She was stunned. He had no idea. The bad boy of the camp, the guy that all gossip was about, had no idea about her mum! This was the perfect opportunity to become 'friends' with someone who would not feel pity or sympathy!

"Ha! No not quite. We just stopped going. I assume she thought I got too good." She winked and they both laughed.

They made small talk about the campers and Emily, until they got to their Flag. She went over to the shed and unlocked it. She removed her phone, and shut the door. As she did that, she felt his arms wrap around her waist. She attempted to lock the door, but he took control of her hands and closed the padlock for her.

He spun her around until their faces were inches apart. He leaned in and rested his forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes.

"Aaron... What are you...." Before she could finish he kissed her, and she didn't know what to do! So she did what he had wanted, and she kisses back. There was silence all around them. But faint little voices coming from very distant people, travelling across to where they stood.

A million questions were running through her head, and none had answers attached to them!

Aaron knew Mia was confused, which only made him more attracted to her.

He pulled away. They began panting for breath as they stared into each other's eyes. As he leaned in to kiss her again, the voices became louder. They both looked down at their watches.

'13:54' it was their group approaching.

The familiar faces of the campers approached as Aaron bent down to tie his laces and Mia pretended to be texting someone.

'WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF?!?!?!' Was the only thing through Mia's head.

'Jackpot.' Was the only thing going through Aaron's.

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