Just Letting Go

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I never understood the point of ballet. It's just girls turning on the tip of their toes and hurting themselves to impress the crowd. But I loved it. I love ballet. It's my life and if been doing it since I was at least 4. It's my passion.

"Hey E, are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine I need to practice."

"Ever since Brennen and you broke up, all you do is practice."

"Well yeah because we broke up because of dance, Tara. All because I want to get into a 'fancy dance school'."

"You just have a goal, E. That's a good thing."

"No, not really. I lost the best boyfriend ever for dance. What wrong with me? I would choose shoes that kill me over anything. This is insane."

"But at least you have a passion."

"But I want him to be there, at the recital."

"Well then you two need to sort this out then."


"No buts I'm telling the teacher you're sick and you're gonna go talk to Brennen."


"Now go."

No I guess I have to talk to him. I haven't talked to Brennen in 3 weeks. I already know he's mad because I want to get into that school very badly but it worth a shot.

Once I got to his house, I hesitated to knock on the door. To tell the truth I'm terrified, it's not a fear of rejection. It's a fear what will come out of this talk. What if he never wants to talk to me again. Well it's worth a shot.

I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard Brennen say.

"It Easton. Can we talk?"

"Why? What's the point?"

"Brennen listen-"

"No I'm not apart of your plan remember?"

"I'm trying to resolve this ok?"

"Resolve what? You hurt me Easton. A lot."

"I know and I'm sorry. This is why I didn't want to date you in the first place. We had a good friendship and know you won't even give me the time to talk to you."

"Fine we can talk but I'm not sure this will work. Come in."

One I got in his house we went up to his room.

"So what now?"

"Brennen I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Then why did you have to bring up that 'fancy dance school'?"

"Because the recital that determines if I get in that 'fancy dance school' is in a month and a half."

"Why wasn't I apart of your plan?"

"Because I never expected to find you. I never thought I would have a boyfriend."

"Why Easton? You're beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I mean you must have a lot of guys that approach you. Don't you?"

"Not one I've wanted. Brennen, you're different. You're not a doche bag."

"I'm not?" He said laughing.

"No. No you're not." I said.

"Listen Easton, I want another chance if you're willing to give me one."

"Even if my heart is set on a 'fancy dance school'."

"Yes even if you want to go to a 'fancy dance school'."

"I don't know Brennen. What if you end up in a college in like California."

"We'll make it work. Ok?"

I nodded.

"So what do you say Easton?"

"I say let's go for it."

"Ok well now there's only one thing to do."


He kissed me. It was like the first one we had together but it was different at the same time. His lips traveled to my neck and he found my sweet spot and stayed there. I let out involuntary moan and Brennen laughed. Then he worked his way back up to my lips. He pecked them but I wanted more than a peck.

"We should stop before we get ahead of ourselves." Brennen said.

"Yeah. Anyways I don't have dance today so what do you want to do?"

"Wanna have a Netflix and pizza day?"

"Sure, but can I go change first? This leotard is so uncomfortable."

"Yeah. I'll go order the pizza."

"Ok i'll be right back."

I go to my house and changed in to some yoga pants and one of Brennen's shirts because they were so comfortable and went back to his house. Once I got there we watched movies and stuff. It was back to the way it was. Before everything happened between us. There was no kissing, no cute couple stuff. Just me and Brennen and I missed this. I missed the original Easton and Brennen.
"You're wearing one of my shirts" Brennen said.
"Yes I am. I wear them when I'm sick because you make me feel better, but they stopped smelling like you."
"Well we can fix that. I'll be right back."
When Brennen came back he had at least 8 shirts.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Giving you these. They're a bunch of shirts I don't want anymore. So you can have them for when you get sick or something."
"Brennen you don't have to."
"I want to. I want to be there and when I can't be there, you can just put one of these on."
"It won't be the same. Nothing will be same without you in person."
"Yeah, you make me feel better."
"Can I ask you something?"
"When did you realize you liked me?"
"Well after you told me you liked me, I realized that no one could replace you. You have a special place in my heart and no one can take that place."
"Yeah. What about you?"
"Well I realized I first liked you when I first saw you dance. You were so graceful and beautiful. Then I realized that we had only known each other for so long and I got to know you more. It just made me fall for you harder and I ignored you because I was scared. I was scared that if I told you my feelings, you would leave me. Then I talked to my mom about it and she told me to tell you so I got the balls to do it look where we are now."
I couldn't say anything. I was shocked.
"I think I need to go, but I will definitely see you tomorrow at school."
"Ok bye, E."
When I was walking home, I realized my feelings for Brennen had grown. I think I love him. As I was walking across the street a car came out of nowhere and all I knew was that I was on the ground. In pain.
Oh shit.
What will happen?
Will Easton be ok?
Who knows?

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