Chapter 11

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Rouge’s pov:

Tails and I sit in the hospital just outside of Sonic’s room and wait for the doctors to come out and update us on Sonic’s condition.

Sonic is being taken care of so I’m not as worried about him, besides if he does die, he’ll just come back to life in some way. 

But I’m really worried about Shadow, he has a crush on Sonic and since he loves him he’s probably worried about losing him, he may even be having flashbacks… 

When he goes and has flashbacks he… Tries to numb the pain with his unhealthy coping mechanism, I usually try to stop him but I knew he needed it. I’ll just go to his house and clean it after the doctors tell us about Sonic’s condition. I hope he’s okay, not just for me, but for Shadow. I really care about him. 

Just then the doors burst open and one of the doctors walks out, Tails jumps from his seat with a smile, expecting his buddy to be alright, which broke my heart a little. 

I studied the doctor's face, the expression was unreadable. Like… Mixed emotions.

“He should hopefully be alright. But…” Of course there’s a ‘but’ I’m not surprised. “He’s just barely alive, so don’t get your hopes up kid.”

The doctor walks up and pats Tails on the head as I watch his bright expression fall into deep despair. Which breaks my heart even more. I lean in and hug him, I feel him cry on my shoulder and I just hold him for a moment, letting him cry. I’m not good at comforting people but I have to try for him. I’m not as heartless as I seem.

“Hey, we don’t know if he’s going to die, he’s lived through a lot. This isn’t his first time, if he does die, we’ll bring him back. Like always!” I say softening my voice, he pulls back and looks at me, he may be smart but deep inside he’s still a small child and everyone seems to forget that. “He’s the fastest thing alive! He’ll get through it fast and we know it!”

I can see him start to tremble at all of the possibilities and I bring him in for another hug, but I only start to cry too, because I feel bad for everyone. Seeing Tails cry like that hurt me, knowing Shadow is so hurt that he’s hurting himself breaks me even more. They’re both such sweet people, Shadow is definitely an edgelord but under all that, he’s a softie who really does care about everyone. Tails may seem smart and all but he’s only a small child who happens to be good with technology, I see how he’s treated as if he’s grown and people always depend on him so he doesn’t ever get a break from it all. Sonic has a big annoying ego but he even kisses death just to save everyone, he’s held death’s hand quite a few times so I wouldn’t be surprised if he lives. He’s always trying to make the world a better place for everyone. He even managed to steal Shadow’s heart, I wonder if he sees Maria in him…

“B-but what if he doesn’t make it?” His small voice trembles and is full of doubt and sadness, he’s usually pretty optimistic…

I lean away, tears still raining down my face and I just smile at him. “Then we’ll bring him back”

“But what if we can’t?” He shouts angrily, I know he’s just upset and scared, I mean, can’t blame him…

“Then we’ll find a way…” I whisper softly as he gets up.

“I-I’m tired…” He mumbles sliding off the chair, walking towards the exit. 

I get up and walk after him, knowing I should go check up on Shadow.


I walk into the house and sigh. Knowing how seeing him might just break me even more, it hurts to see everyone like this, even if I’m not close to them.

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