Chapter 3

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Rouge's pov:

So my plan failed. Eggman’s gone to get Shadow, he kidnapped me just so that he could get Shadow to work with him. How stupid. 

I sit in the cage brooding. It’s Shadow’s thing but I can do it too. 

I’m still angry Eggman didn’t wait for him to go to him, he could’ve come up with a much better plan, I wait for Shadow to arrive in a cage too.

“Eggman is so mean!” I hear the familiar voice of his strange robot called Orbot.

“I know…He kidnapped the pretty lady!” I hear another voice, presumably the yellow one. I forgot his name.

“Yes, but as he’s said many times, it’s the only way to get Shadow the hedgehog to work with him, Cubot.” Orbot says as they come into view.

Oh yeah Cubot is literally the shape of a cube.

“Why don’t we just let her out?” Cubot whines.

“Why don’t we do it and get ripped apart.” Orbot says sternly.

I think Orbot is more mature than Cubot, not sure, but seems smarter. 

“I think we should talk to her and ask her about Shadow’s weaknesses for Eggman.” Orbot says as they begin flying towards me. 

“Hey, what’s Shadow scared of?” Cubot says with a little bounce.

“Me.” I want to have just a bit of fun while I’m here.

“Woah, maybe we can get her to make Shadow work with us!” Cubot turns to the red robot.

“Good idea. We’re letting you out, don’t run away.” Orbot says as he unlocks the cage. 

Nevermind not very smart at all.

“Okay, I won’t run…” I begin as the door swings open. “But I will fly! Later boys!” 

I fly away as they begin shouting and panicking. 

I make it to the neighborhood to find Shadow snarling at Eggman angrily.

“Shadow!” I shout from the air, giving him a small wave before flying down. I get close to Eggman and grab my gun from his grubby hands, he’s too shocked to do anything until he finally musters up some words.

“Rouge?...How did you get out!” He shouts and stares at me, Shadow seemed surprised too, did Eggman tell him.

“Your little friends let me out!” I say, posing. He’s so angry I swear I can see all of the veins on his bald head. 

“I’M GOING TO DISMANTLE THOSE PLEBS!” He shrieks before flying away.

Once he’s gone I stop flying and land on the ground softly. Shadow turns to me with a curious expression on his face. Of course he’s probably more curious than pissed on what happened.

“So you got kidnapped?” He crosses his arms.

“Well yes…” I say, waiting for him to snap at me.

“Why didn’t you tell me when I contacted you?” He growls.

“Because I thought his plan was going to be smarter than this.” I had thought he was going to do something different. I figured he’d wait for him to show up at his base and then attack, but no, of course not.

“Smart thinking. But tell me the truth next time.” He says and walks away. Damn, that’s all he said, he must actually be in a good mood, wait who am I kidding? Eggman was just here. He's also king Edge Lord.
I sigh and fly back home alongside Shadow.

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