Chapter 3 : A Helping Hand

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Today was just like every day wake up, take care of yourself, go to school, get possibly bullied at lunch, come home, and go to sleep. Something was different about today. You felt it in the air. You found the source as soon as you walked through your classroom door. MR/N was sitting right next to your desk.
"MR/N?!?!?" You said rushing over to him without thinking.
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
You felt pain in your heart, but remember that MR/N didn't talk to you often. 'It's natural to forget people you don't normally speak with.'
"I'm sorry, it's been a while since we spoke. My name is Y/n!"
"I see... nice to meet you, Y/n."
Hours go by, class was over. You were about to head home when some boy grabbed your arm.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"..." You clenched your fist. You didn't need another call from the principal.
"What do you want..."
"You see this?" The boy pointed to his eye. "You gave me this black eye, I wanna return the favor."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
You turn your head to see Ms.M walking up towards the building, probably to pick MR/N up.
"Let the young lady down this instant, young man." She had her hands behind her back. Even though she was short, she held so much authority. The boy must have sensed it because he immediately dropped you.

M3GAN [Female Child Reader Insert] - Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now