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So like sorry for not updating for a WHILE im too lazy🤣😶 I forgot how to use this app what
I woke up at 4:00 am sweating and breathing super fast. All I remember Happening is I let down Simon again and he left me and I started having things said about me letting down Erik by not talking my role seriously.

Thank god it was just a dream.

I Started sobbing just now taking in that it was only a dream and Simon was still here. Right beside me sleeping peacefully.
I guess my sobs woke him up and he immediately started panicking asking me what's wrong.

"Wille?! Are you okay? What's wrong" he said putting his hand on my back.
"nothing.." I said quietly.
"Was it a dream?" He asked at my obvious lying.
I nodded but very slightly cause I didn't want to worry him anymore.

"hey its okay ,i promise, It's just a dream"
He said trying to calm me down.
He made me lay back down comfortably with my head in his chest while he played with my hair and kissing the top of my head.
His arms around me made me feel safe. Safer than I ever did before. It was home.
I fell asleep quickly after that even though it was still on my mind.

I Ended This fast cause i didn't know what else to add🥰🤞🏽 I forgot how much words  Like 200 smth

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