(Year 1) Train Ride

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!!Warning: sh mentions!!
————— 845 words EDITED
I am so nervous. What if no one likes me? I can clearly tell I won't make many friends this year, I'm not going to get my hopes up anyways.

As I walk on to the train, my eyes met with this blond hair boy. He looks around 5'1 and 100 pounds. God I wish I weighed that much, I should stop staring at him or he's going think I'm weird.

I found an empty compartment and I put my trunks over head of me and grabbed my book out of my smaller trunk. I sat alone for a couple of minutes until I hear footsteps come closer to the little room and the sliding door swung open. My eyes met with the same blue eyes from before, but we were even closer.

"There is no more space in this bloody train." The blond boy mumbled to himself, loud enough for me to hear. I scooted over so I wouldn't take up to much room and I opened my book without saying anything.

The blond boy moved down the bench so he's directly sitting in front of me and looked out the window. I kept staring at him every so often and I thought he didn't noticed until he spoke up. "Can you stop staring at me, it's creepy" blonde scoffed. "s-sorry." I replied nervously.

"I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy" Malfoy said,
"Y/n Parkinson" I replied not knowing what else to do. "Are you Pansy's sister?" Hearing him say those words makes me want to cry. Pansy used to beat me up when I didn't do what she asked me to. When I told mum on her, she didn't do anything!

I guess he saw the look in my eyes when he said it and he just shut up quickly. Pansy was a bad sister, I kept hoping I was adopt or some shit so I could leave her forever. But I never had that talk with my parents, and I think that's the best of it.

My skin kept getting stuck on my fabric, I probably shouldn't of done what i've did before getting on the train. But it's the only thing that makes me feel something, it's nice.

I went back to reading my book and after 10 minutes of reading I hear footsteps getting closer to the compartment. "Y/N! What are you doing in here! Your supposed to be with me and not with this blond boy!" pansy yelled towards me. "s-sorry-" that's the only thing I could say before blabber mouth started again.

"Shut up y/n, you are always saying shit like "i-i sorry" "i didn't mean to" Grow up! Stop acting like a baby for crying out loud!" Pansy stated. I've always been like this, I tried to change but it's not helping at all. I saw Draco looking at me with worrisome in his eyes but he then looked at pansy and said,

"Don't start talking to my friend like that Parkinson." Friend? Did he just say what I think he said? I haven't heard someone use that word to me in a very long time, he probably didn't even mean it to. Shut up y/n!

"it's o-okay Draco" I tried to say without stuttering but it always happens. "Draco? Like in Draco Malfoy?" It clicked in pansy's thick head that Draco just called y/n his friend. "Do you really consider her as your friend Malfoy? You should see her back at home. Such a freak!" Pansy went on and on about me and I just sat there in defeat.

"C'mon y/n. We are going to the other room so you can meet my friends" pansy said not even letting me answer and she grabbed my tunks and we left. Draco was sitting there in shocked that a Parkinson was talking bad about someone, especially her own sister!

Draco Malfoy pov:
What the hell just happened? I shouldn't care but I do. Why do i? I'm a stupid Malfoy who should not care about other people! Fuckkk

I need to go change into my robes, we will be arriving soon. I passed a compartment that sat Pansy Parkinson, Y/n Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and a person I never seen before. I only know these people cause my father always talk about them to his coworkers.

I tried not to spy but I do notice y/n just sitting there, reading and nodding at everyone's comments sometimes. I wonder what they're talking about, I walk closer and pretend i'm passing them.

"Wait! Malfoy, come over here I want to introduce you to my friends." Pansy excitedly said. She explained who they were and why they are friends, like I need to know any of this stuff. I only want to know about y/n, and why is she so quiet?
A/N; this is so fun to do, I really hope you guys are enjoying it so far.
What should I add next?

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