
83 1 0

' ' = Thoughts

" "= Talking

Nezuko's Pov

"Wait..... what.............. ZENITSU?!?!?!" Zenitsu grabbed my mouth and put a cloth on it. "Shhhh I don't need people hearing now dear." I felt sick to the stomach as he called me that. I tried wiggling out of there but he had a tight grip on me. I started trying to scream for help but they were muffled and no one heard me. "Now Nezuko why don't you want to be with me? Hmm?" Zenitsu whispered into my ear. I started praying that someone would find me and stop this crazy person.

Muichiro's Pov (Yes I know a new Pov)

I was walking home when I reached into my pocket and felt something in there. I pulled it out and turns out it was a pen that Nezuko had let me borrow since I had forgotten mine. 'Well, now I must go to her house to return it.' I said to myself as I started walking to Nezuko's house. On the way there I heard slightly muffled screaming in the alleyway ahead. I walked into it and saw Nezuko getting kidnapped by Zenitsu. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND YOU CRAZY ASS PERSON!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Zenitsu turned to me with a smirk. "Oh look who's here. You saved me some time I didn't even need to find you." He said. My blood started boiling with anger as I got ready to fight. "Now Muichiro did you really think I came alone?" He said. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything turned black. When I finally came to everything was still dark and I felt something over my eyes. That's when I realized I was blindfolded, I tried to move my arms to unite the blindfold when I realized that the crazy person tied up my arms and legs. I heard some footsteps and talking coming my way I attempted to eavesdrop on the conversation. "So what do you plan on doing with them Zenitsu?" I voice that I didn't recognize asked. "Well, I'm probably going to keep Nezuko for myself, as for Muichiro I plan to slowly torture him until he dies somehow," Zenitsu answered. The other person didn't say anything I heard footsteps that led to the door opening and closing and footsteps fading. Then I felt someone lifting my chin up, "Well, well, well look who's awake." Zenitsu said while pulling off my blindfold. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes to the light as Zenitsu stood there with a shit-eating grin on his nasty crusty ass face. "WHERE IS NEZUKO? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER, YOU SICK BASTARD?" I scream at Zenitsu. Then I felt a sharp pain in my jaw and it took me a couple of seconds to realize that Zenitsu just punched me. He cracked his knuckles as he step closer to me, grabbing my collar and hissing, "Someone is going to have to teach you how to behave yourself." As he punched me again and again. At this point, I was starting to feel lightheaded. Then he dropped me and the chair that I was tied to and told me, "You brought yourself into this mess. If only you didn't steal my precious Nezuko from me." I growled at him, "Nezuko is no one's and she likes me and she's my girlfriend. So you keep your hands off of her." He punched me again gave me a smirk and left the room.

Tanjiro's Pov (Third one today, I know.)

It's been an hour since school ended and I still haven't seen Nezuko. When I heard keys opening the door I immediately turned to the door hoping it was Nezuko. When Giyu-san stepped through the door I felt my anxiousness rising dramatically. Giyu-san looked around and then asked me, "Where's your sister? She should have been home by now." I froze unable to answer for a little before stammering, "I-i-i-i-i don't know. She hasn't come home yet and she isn't picking up her phone.  It's making me worried." Giyu-san gave a sigh before sitting down next to me and tried calming me down. "Maybe she's at her boyfriend's place. Why don't you call him and ask?" Giyu-san suggested. I nodded before grabbing my phone and calling Muichiro. It rang for a while and it went to the voicemail box. I ended the call my hand shaking before calling Yuichiro, hoping that he would know why they both won't pick up. "Tanjiro? Thank god I was just about to call you." Yuichiro's voice said over the phone, I noticed something off about the way he spoke, his voice sounded scared. "Is everything ok Yuichiro? Anyways I'm just calling to ask if Nezuko is with you guys because she isn't home yet and she won't pick up." I told the male. Then the line went silent. I started getting worried and was about to ask him if he was ok when he said, "Tanjiro...... I was about to call you to ask if Muichiro is with you guys because he isn't home yet and won't pick up either." My heart stopped before in a shaky voice I asked, "Do you..... do you think they've been kidnapped?" Yuichiro didn't answer and just ended the call. I frowned and told Giyu-san who has been sitting next to me the whole time what had happened. He grabbed his phone and was about to call the police when the doorbell rang. He went open it to see Yuichiro standing there, out of breath. "Tanjiro, we have to find out what happened to them."

That's the end of this chapter. Sorry for not updating in a long time (not that you guys really would care) Hope you liked it and have a nice day and see you guys in about 3 months. (Hopefully I update sooner)

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