Braixen and Ninetales also looked scared, just as much as Vivian. Then, another voice spoke out.


Dust turns around to see that Dustbelief Papyrus is present, as he picks up Sans and spoke out.


This made Dust confused.

"Ummm...what? What do you mean changed?"

Ninetales then made used an ice beam to make a thick pillar of ice, and Dust then looks at it to see what Dustbelief Papyrus meant by that.

Ninetales then made used an ice beam to make a thick pillar of ice, and Dust then looks at it to see what Dustbelief Papyrus meant by that

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Staring back at Dust...was his face...but his eye lights have turned different, now resembling his normal eye lights before he got his LV. This made Dust alarmed, as he blinks his eyes, in order to see if his eye lights have changed. Surprisingly, they are able to still look the same as before...but how did this happen? Dust doesn't remember what happened, that lead to his eye lights becoming this way. In fact, he does not remember what lead Dust to go to this point either.

"Guys...what happened? did we get into this position in the first place? I don't remember us going into the beginning of Mount Ebott...and why aren't we in the Omega Timeline?"

Everyone looked a little bit uncomfortable talking about it, before Dustbelief spoke out.


Dust didn't know why...but he did...and he summoned his bones...and they are now a white color again!! This made Dust's eyes widened in alarm. He checked himself...and he saw what happened to his powers. The magic he absorbed...they are gone!!! They vanished like it is nothing!!! All he kept is the bones, blue magic, his Gaster Blasters, Gaster Blastermination...and his DT, LV, and Stats...but the Stats have changed. In fact, he has no idea what his full stats are now when involving his HP, ATK, and DEF, because now the stats involving those 3 are a jumble of numbers that constantly switch. But he can see that...most of the time, it clearly changes to 84 HP, 34 ATK, and 4 DEF. Dust is now confused, as he spoke out.

"Okay, this is wrong, what in the world is happening? My stats are not like this!"

Then, a voice spoke out.

"I think it is best if I can explain."

The group then turned around, and they saw that it is none other then Dream himself, who looks a little bit unhappy, but is not as afraid as the others, although Dust could tell that Dream is somewhat stressed.

"Dream, is that you?"

Dream nodded his head, his Golden Wings flapped a bit, but are now hanging from his back, almost as if they have given up, despite the fact that they are still strong.

" is me. And honestly...I am not surprised that you have no idea what had just happened, because of the fact that you had...changed...due to what has happened to the Multiverse itself, as well as everyone living in it."

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