The Scare Games

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Over a last few days. Mike was studying hard. While Sulley was hanging out with the ROR. Amy on the other hand was down her own things, Paintings, Ballets, and other stuffs. But not only for that. She and Johnny would sometimes bump into each other as they would be at the library, park, cafeteria, classes, hallways and other place.


On the field, the MU team scores a touchdown. Monster cheerleaders start to cheer, the MU band strikes up. "GO MONSTERS U! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO!" A player catches a football, then a bigger player picks him up, then a GIANT player picks them up and runs through the field trampling every players. Sulley and the ROR cheer a bit away from Amy and Mike.


Sulley walks down the stairs toward Johnny holding his exam results. Sulley gives Johnny a high five. Until Mike rushes down the stairs and reveals his "A+" exam and runs off but he stop when Amy walks past the ROR and Mike showing her "A++++++" exam and walks off. Mike and the ROR were completely speechless of how she was so much smarter. Johnny minds are telling him something. "She's pretty smart."


A few days later it's the Finals. Amy was above the stairs drawing her notebook. As the students went inside the scare program. Johnny was talking to Sulley as he was holding Sulley's jacket for some reason. For a moment Amy feel she need to use the toilet for a while and walk away holding her notebook close to her chest, not knowing that Johnny finds it very cute of her style as his staring at her. His team noticed that his still drooling at her as she walk away. "Johnny, why are you staring at that Rainbow Girl?" Javier ask. Johnny stop staring as his face turn red. "W-what! Me? Staring that Rainbow Girl? N-no I wasn't looking at her." "But why is your face red?" Chet ask. This made Johnny face turn redder. "Just stop asking me this question already!

♧1 minute later♧

Amy had just come back from the bathroom and she know that she had miss the finals. But she remember the scare games that was being told by the Greek Council that she had join. So off she went to the scare games.


"Welcome to this year's Greek scare games kickoff." The president of the Greek Council, Claire wheeler, announced. "THE SCARE GAMES! YEAH!" The vice president screamed into the mic, loved his energy 10/10. "Okay, relax. We have a special guest, the founder of the games, Dean Hardscrabble." Dean Hardscrabble came over to the mic while the crowd cheered. "Good afternoon, as a student, I created these games as a friendly competition, but be prepared. To take home the trophy, you must be the most fearsome monsters on campus. So good luck and may the best monsters win." Dean Hardscrabble ended and walked off stage while Brock grabbed the mic. "Alright, everybody were closing down sign up so will see you all-" "Wait!" Amy turned around to see Mike Wazowski. "I'm signing up!" The crowd started laughing. "What?" Johnny laughed while shaking his head. " have to be in a fraternity to complete." Mike told them that he had chose the Oozma Kappa team and he need one more player. Amy decided to join the Oozma Kappa team. She raised her hand up. "I'll join them." Everyone looked over to her as she made her way through the crowd. "YES! Amy thank you so much!" Mike cheered while jumping and putting his fist up in the air. This made Johnny very jealous of Amy joining the team. "They better not be touching her cause she's mine." Johnny mumbled himself in jealously. "We need seven people, right?" Mike questioned. "Sorry chief, we count bodies not heads. That dude counts as one." Brock pointed over to the yellow two headed monster and people around them pointed and laughed. "Besides that Rainbow Girl is emotionless, so you might gonna need another player, chief." Claire said. Mike freaked out and beg for another player, then he noticed his roommate Randall was walking through the crowd, he called him to be on the team but Randall is in Roar Omega Roar team. "PLEASE! I just need one more monster. Just one more!" Mike begged. "Yeah, sorry. Doesn't look good. We have to move on. Your team doesn't qualify." Claire said, obviously getting bored at this. "Yes it does." Sullivan climbed onto the car. "The star player has just arrived." Sullivan announced with his ego sky rocketing. "NO WAY!, someone else! Please! Anyone else!" "Were shutting down sign-ups okay? Is he on your team or not?" Claire slouched. "Please, Mike. We don't have choice." "Fine, yes, he's on my team." Mike sighed. "Good luck." Dean Hardscrabble smirked and walked off. "Alright, Wazowski, what's the plan?"

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