I won't forget, and now you're next

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     Tour is finally over I could be at home in my bed asleep but here I am on a plane to North Carolina to surprise Noah it's worth it though. As I head to baggage claim Noah tries to face time I decline the call and try and hurry to the concert hall. After 45 minutes I made it Keaton and I spot each other and I signal him to keep quiet he rushes over to me "Hey! What are you doing here?"
"Trying to surprise Noah have you seen him?"
"Yea he should be in the middle of sound check let's go" we headed inside and I could see Noah on stage I ducked down and tried to get as close to the stage without being seen "Alright that's a wrap great work everybody!" Keaton walked up "Hey man sounding great as always but I found a fan wandering outside wanting to meet you I hope that's ok"
"Yea sure why not" I popped out of my hiding spot "Oh good it would've been really awkward if you said no" I said with a sly smile on my face Noah's eyes lit up like Christmas lights as he ran and hugged me "I've missed you"
"I've missed you too sorry to leave you hanging earlier but I was at the airport"
"It's fine the guys are out and about let's get to the bus" Noah said taking me away.

*Noah's p.o.v*

     Savannah and I were laid out in my bunk just smiling at each other suddenly Savannah jumped out of my bunk and started rummaging through her luggage "I wanna show you something, since we're spending Christmas with your parents I got your mom a present. Usually I don't buy stuff at airports cause it's expensive and cheesey but I couldn't pass this up you think she'll like it?" She pulled out a stained glass butterfly ornament it was so beautifully crafted it looked handmade I just smiled "She's gunna love it, how'd you know my mom is obsessed with butterflies?"
"I didn't I just thought it was really pretty I didn't get anything for your dad yet what does he like?"
"Cashews" Savannah just looked at me "That's it? Nothing else?" I shrugged my shoulders "Beer? Slippers?" Savannah rolled her eyes at me "Well I guess I could find some nice Slippers or a nice leather wallet dad's love wallets and leather"
"I'm sure whatever you pick out will be great and my parents will appreciate the thought even though you didn't need to get them anything"
"I know but it's my first time meeting your parents I wanna make a good impression and plus they sent us Christmas gifts last year it'd be weird if I didn't get them anything" Savannah jumped back into my bunk "I'm just nervous is all" I held her tight and kissed her head "Don't be nervous it'll be great my parents will love you it's just Christmas"
"Well I guess nothing can be as bad as meeting my parents" I chuckled softly "To be fair it was your mom who was bad your dad seemed nice"
"Yea my dad has always been great my mom was great for about 10 years and then all we did was fight till I moved out"
"That sounds exhausting" she was quiet for a minute "It was for years I was so depressed I was just numb I woke up everyday wanting to die and my mom was screaming at me about dirty dishes and how my grade went from an A- to a B+" I just held her "I'm sorry you went through that"
"It's alright I just wish I was enough for my mother for once, it's why I want to make a good impression"
"Well they say when you worry about things it means you care and want to try so I'm confident you'll be fine at Christmas and not that I think this will happen but if my parents don't love you I do no matter what" she smiled and relaxed after that I checked my phone and saw the show will be starting soon "Let's get dressed and head back stage shows gunna start soon"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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