Took what you wanted and flipped it

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     I knocked on the door and waited my stomach feeling like it was full of rocks the door finally opened "Savannah?" "Hi mama"  she immediately took me into her arms "I've missed you so much" "I've missed you too mama"

     I woke up to bright lights and beeping when I was finally able to open my eyes everyone was here except Noah and Maxxie "What happened and where's Noah and Maxxie?" Damian grabbed my hand "They went to the police station to press charges on the person who spiked your drink" a little later Noah and Maxxie barge into my room and Maxxie practically threw herself onto me "I'm so glad you're alright I'm sorry we couldn't press charges for you they said you had to do it yourself" her face was flooded in tears "How can I press charges if I don't know who drugged me" Noah stood there with a blank look on his face "It was Erica I got her to admit to it"
"Erica? She was so nice though why would she do that?" Noah refused to look at me at this point "Because she's my ex girlfriend" I felt like I was going to be sick "Everybody out please I'm about to be sick and would prefer to not have an audience" as soon as everyone left the room I just broke down I could see Maxxie and Noah peeking in every so often I just shook my head no I just wanted to be alone for now at least what I really want to do is go home and see my parents I could care less about pressing charges I didn't die or anything I just need to stay here overnight and get fluids and besides I'm gunna be touring I won't have time for court and lawyers I got so lost in thought I didn't realize Nick came into my room he smiled softly at me "Hey how you feeling?"
"Like a toilet honestly since I've had so much crap flushed out of me" He just bust out laughing "That's fair at least you get to leave in the morning" we just looked at each other for a minute "Don't worry I'm Switzerland I'm not here to talk you in or out of anything I just figured you needed a break from Noah and Maxxie especially after the Erica bomb drop" I just smiled "Thanks Nick I appreciate it and honestly I just wanna go home I don't think Erica is a serial drugger or anything if I wasn't with Noah she probably wouldn't have been there"
"So you're not pressing charges?"
"No I know I should but with touring I'll be too busy I know she shouldn't get away with this but I just don't have the fight in me"
"I get that, well I'm gunna head back to the bus Noah is staying on your bus the rest of the guys wanna head back home now that we know your safe"
"Alright see you in a few days and let Noah know I'm not mad please I'd tell him myself but I'm so tired right now"
"Anything for you Savannah, see you when you get home"


     "Take it easy Savannah" Noah said helping me into bed "Noah I'm not disabled I can handle getting into my own bed thank you"
"Hey I thought you weren't mad at me"
"I'm not mad at you I'm irritated cause you're treating me like I'm fragile but I meant I wasn't mad at you cause I was drugged I am a little mad cause you lied to me about who Erica was" Noah just looked pained and guilty "I know I'm sorry I should have told you who she was I thought I'd see her that one time and it be the end of it but I was wrong and are you seriously not pressing charges we have Erica's admission"
"I'm sure Noah I'm just too busy for this and I wanna move past this dragging this out in court won't help me and I go back on tour in like 3 weeks I wanna rest, relax and go see my parents are you still coming with me?"
"Of course hun" he said finally joining me in bed "but let's get into that rest and relaxation you were just talking about"

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