But you never mentioned the root of the problem

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*Maxxie's p.o.v*

     I was just standing around with the guys I kept looking around for Savannah last I saw of her she was with some woman getting a drink all of a sudden Nick comes running up to us "You guys need to get to the hospital right now it's Savannah! Somebody spiked her drink Noah and I just put her onto the ambulance they're taking her now, I'm gunna find my guys we'll meet you there as soon as we can!" Before I could say anything the guys were running towards the bus I quickly followed suit and we made our way to the hospital. As soon as we walked into the emergency room Noah was sitting there we quickly joined him "They're pumping her stomach right now the doctor will come get us when she's in recovery" Noah looked at me with tears forming in his eyes "I'm sorry I should've been by her side the whole time" I put a hand on his shoulder "It's alright you can't blame yourself man that whole juice could've been spiked" Noah scoffed "I doubt it"
"At least you were there you got her here in time imagine if she was by herself or with that black haired girl I doubt she could carry Sav" Noah paused and looked at me "Black haired girl?"
"Yea little shorter than Sav, skinny long black hair she was the last person I saw with her" Noah grabbed me and dragged me outside "What's up dude?"
"Just record me that person you saw with Savannah was my ex Erica I think I know what happened"

*Noah's p.o.v*

     I grabbed my phone and immediately called Erica "Hey sexy miss me already?"
"Knock it off Erica what happened with Savannah? "
"I have no idea what you're talking about hun Savannah and I were just having a drink I may have accidentally dropped a pill or 2 in her drink I had such a headache is she alright?" I was seething I could just hear the smirk in her voice Maxxie looked like she was seeing red I hung up and we went back inside "Please tell me we're taking that video footage to the police after this"
"Absolutely once Savannah is awake and we've seen her we'll go" it felt like hours before the doctor came and brought us to Savannah's room Maxxie ran straight to her side and held her hand the rest of us just stood in the corner of the room. Savannah was finally starting to wake up "Mama?" Maxxie squeezed her hand "No sweetie its me Max"
"I'm sorry mama I didn't mean to leave things the way I did I hope you and dad can forgive me" Maxxie stroked her hair  "Of course sweetie" Savannah fell back asleep, Maxxie stood up and headed for the door "Let's go the guys have her she'll be fine" we headed over to the station.


     "This is bullshit! How are we not able to press charges!?"
"Ma'am I'm sorry but since the person in question is over 18 you can not press charges on her behalf"
"But she's out cold in the hospital right now!"
"Well when she is out of the hospital she can press charges herself"
Maxxie stormed out of the station "This is fucking bullshit!" She turned and looked at me "Nice fucking people you know dude!" She realized what she said and calmed down a little "Sorry it's not your fault clearly... it's just been Sav and I since the 6th grade aside from the rest of the band of course she was bullied pretty bad Damian and Blade tried to have her back but they weren't with her all the time we had most of our classes together so I became her friend people bullied me for being gay and living with my Abuela but I never let them know how bad they got to me and it was nice having Sav by my side she never judged me never cared she actually introduced me to my current girlfriend so in 8th grade we decided to start a band and Blade and Damian were obvious choices and eventually Nate joined us and we've all been inseparable ever since" I didn't know what to do or say as we headed back to the bus my phone buzzed it was Nick "Savannah's awake and asking for you" we quickly headed back to the hospital.

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