Chapter One: Fosters

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A/N: This chapter is not finished. It will be once I get some proper motivation.


"Jolie! RUN!" I yelled to my twin sister, Jolie Foster. We were sneaking into our older brother, Kenric Fosters, room, and we had just been caught. "NO YOU DON'T!" Kenric shouted, grabbing on to Jolies leg. She screamed, and our mom, Sophie Foster, came running up. "What's going on?" she asked, worriedly. "They were sneaking into my room! I'm trying to study!" Kenric informed her. Snitch. "Well, he's been there all day! We were trying to get him out!" I told her, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. It was a lie, we were just trying to annoy him, but she didn't need to know that! "Yeah, right. And you never go into my room just to annoy me." Kenric said, glaring at Jolie and I. Shoot. There goes that plan. "Yeah, but not this time!" Jolie tried, but it was too late. "Girls. Please go outside until dinnertime. Do not try to annoy your brother from out there. I will call you when it's time to eat." Mom said, pointing downstairs. We sighed and walked downstairs and out the door.

Sentencing us outside was our moms usual punishment, but I don't know why, seeing as outside was basically a magical forest, an animal preserve, an island, and a beach combined. It was super cool, and most of the time my friends wanted to meet up here, and I couldn't complain! Outside was beautiful! Jolie and I decided to check on the animals, knowing that all of them would be happy to see us. Except maybe the Gorgodon. Ugh, I HATED that creature. but it was a creature none the less, and so it stayed here with us at Beachcliff. We played with the animals and lost track of time, so before we knew it, it was time for dinner, meaning that dad was home! our dad sometimes worked long hours at his job for the council, so sometimes the only time I saw him was at dinner. Jolie, however, saw him every morning, since she woke up at the INSANE hour of 6:30 AM. I woke up at 8:30, since we had to leave for Foxfire at 9:00 (I could get ready in 30 minutes. I'm so awesome!). We ran to dinner as fast as we could, excited to see our dad (Kenric... well, not so much!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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