Oni Activated

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Y/N: Hey..Luffytoro let me handle these CP9 agents.

Luffy: Sure! You do you!

Luffy days smiling as Y/N makes his way to the lodge of the wall.

Nami: Wait you going to jump it!?

Y/N: Yeah! Why wouldn't I?

Y/N takes a run up as he leaps towards where the CP9 agents are as they watch him jumping towards them.

Jabra: He can't defeat all of us?

Kumadori: He has some bravery! I'll give him that.

Lucci: Stay on your toes. He is a Demon after all

Y/N: RAH!!!

Y/N grabs his Kanabo off of his back and slams it on where the CP9 agents are. He starts running towards them but his aim isn't the CP9 agents but it's Spandam himself.


Y/N: Heyyy that ain't nice is it Spandy?

Lucci: Soru

Lucci appears protecting Spandam which leads him to laugh as all the CP9 agents surround themselves around him.

Y/N: Now the hunt gets intresting

Jabra turns into a wolf, Kaku turns into a ugly Giraffe and Lucci transforms into a Leopard.

Lucci: You won't make it out of here alive Demon Y/N.

They all send slashes towards Y/N but Y/N starts to flicker around them due to his speed.

Kaku: Where has he gone?

Y/N: Behind you.

Kaku slowly turns to see Y/N just standing behind him.

Kalifa: H-he's fast!!

As Y/N just punches Kaku in the gut which causes him to kneel.

Y/N: Why you kneeling for?

Y/N smiles as he just kicks Kaku away with absolute ease.


Y/N shouts as he sees that Spandam is dragging Robin so he decides to blitz towards him.

Y/N: You bi-

Lucci: Tekkai

Y/N uses his Kanabo as he tries to swing it at Spandam but gets denied by Rob Lucci as he kicks Y/N's Kanabo away.

Jabra: That was a rookie mistake. Coming by yourself to defeat the CP9!? Foolish.

Y/N: I can do this all day.

Y/N as he screams as a blindingly, menacingly light comes out of nowhere as they turn to see what has happened as the are absolutely shocked.

Fukurou: W-what is that..?

(A/N: I don't own this picture)

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(A/N: I don't own this picture)

Y/N starts to breathe heavily as he just looks at them.

Y/N: So. You ready to dance.

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