"What do you have in mind?" 

"How about you?" 

"There's not much about me to talk about."

"Surely you have a hobby of some sort?" 

"Well, I do like playing chess." 

"Anyone whose good at chess is incredibly talented just from that." 

"And how about you, Do you have anything you're particularly good at?"

"I guess besides combat, I'm pretty good at knitting." 

"Sounds difficult." 

"You get used to it after stabbing yourself many times with the needle." She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a bag of sweets she had previously gotten from Earth.

"I kinda skipped school and went to Earth and I got you this...since you always had given me some treats from this world." He took the sweets and popped on into his mouth, eyes widening at the taste. 

"This tastes amazing, thank you." She smiled. 

"No problem." He got one and shoved it in her mouth. "You trying to break my teeth or something?" She asked chewing on the sweets. "Damn this is pretty good."

"So can you tell me something about your planet?" 

"Well my planet is quite distant from other planets, that's why we rely on portals to go anywhere."

"Well, at least you don't have to worry about war."


"What about your artifacts, what's so important about them that your father doesn't trust anyone with them?"

"Well don't tell anyone about this but, some of the artifacts have some incredible power in there that could cause problems if anyone knew about their existence, I can't really say much more than that." She nodded.


"Say you wanna have a fight?" She looked over at him giving him a confused expression. 

"Why?" He stood up and stretched his arms. 

"Well, I figured you might want to have a little warm-up before we go into town." He looked down at her. "And it might help you understand your powers better." 

She stood up and smiled. "You're a pretty powerful wizard, so this would be a challenge." 

"Then let's begin." 



¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

She stood in the forest, a cool breeze breezing past her. Her eyes were closed as she listened to her surroundings. She heard a blast through the air and flew up, as it can into contact with the ground. She saw him floating in the sky. 

"Aether's Speed!" She zipped past him almost losing control and failing her arms about trying to stop flying. After she did she sighed with relief and blasted him from behind He was pushed back a few meters and retaliated with a dark blast. She raised a shield.

"What the-" She was surprised by the strength of the attack and was almost blasted away

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"What the-" She was surprised by the strength of the attack and was almost blasted away.

"New shield design, nice." She drew her scythe and dashed behind him, slashing him. He grunted and outstretched his arms and muttered under his breath. 

"Darkness embrace." 

"Wait what-" She immediately felt something strangling her, holding her in place. She struggled against the hold and tried to fly away. She let out a cry as the hold became more tighter, he wasn't about to let up so easily. 

"Come on Aerilyn..." He mumbled under his breath. She felt blood pour from her nose as the grip got tighter. "ær blast!" Nothing happened. 

"No please, ær blast!" The grip became tighter. She mustered all the strength she could and screamed. 

"ær explosion!" A bright light came from within her and enveloped them both. The shockwave traveled from the forest towards the palace, everyone within feeling a slight rumble. 

He crashed into the ground, and she immediately lost consciousness and fell from the sky.


Yet again she was in the strange room, underneath her planets and stars shielded by the glass that no matter how much she blasted it, it wouldn't break. 

"Isis?" She said to the void, and no answer came. "I don't understand what this place is...or what should I do..." She looked down at the universe below her. "Unlock my true potential...it could mean anything, I guess my best bet is to destroy the glass." She sighed. "Like I haven't tried that many times..." 

She blinked once and then was in her magic Winx form. "Let's try this again." 

She positioned her arms towards the glass and blasted it. A bright light emerged from impact and when it died out she was met with a shocking surprise. 

A crack.

It wasn't much but compared to her previous attempts of literally using all of her energy and nothing happening this was an achievement. 

"I guess my true powers are needed to destroy this thing." As she was about to launch another blast, she felt herself being pulled out of the room. 

She awoken on the grass with the king and queen hovering over her. "Oh thank god, you're okay." Thora said with relief. 

"Guess we made quite a scene huh." Aerilyn said sitting up. Diablous immediately rushed to her. 

"Aeri, are you okay?" He asked frantically. 

"I am, but are you?" He sighed and smiled. 

"I am, I'm sorry I shouldn't have made us fight."

"It's fine Diablous, if I had more control of my powers then none of this would have happened..." Gorald sighed. 

"I suppose you both learnt something today, we felt that blast from the palace you must be quite the powerful fairy." 

"I suppose you could say that." Diablous helped her up. 

"Well I guess we should go to town now." 

"Ice cream palour!" 


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