4. Denouement

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The Next Day

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, checking the time on my phone, "10:15am". I went ahead and stretched as I removed the bedsheets off of me. I stood up walking towards my bathroom, grabbing a towel robe as I prepared my bath water, along with getting my garments and clothes for the day. I went back into my room to fix my bed, adjusting the sheets. I couldn't stop thinking about what Alucard had told me last night. I just couldn't believe she was here this whole time. Furthermore, the simple thought of Alucard already had me a bit flustered, I wasn't expecting a vampire to appear yesterday. Thought I'll admit he was gentle and understanding with me during our conversation. I simply shook my head side to side, "Come on Y/n, get it together, I have to make a tough decision tonight". I went into the bathroom undressing myself, adjusting my body as I sank into the warm water, good thing I had some bubbles going to keep me calm. I rest my head on a light pink towel, leaning back as I enjoyed the peace of my own home.

Night time

After a long day of taking good care of myself, preparing my dress for tonight's show, and getting all dolled up. It was almost time to leave to go to the Cantina. I took a good look at myself in the mirror, smiling as I was proud of how beautiful the dress suited me. Tonight's theme is burlesque, but my boss told me I didn't have to show too much skin if I wasn't comfortable. So I went with a nice gorgeous red sparkly dress, to which he was in awe when I first got it done by professionals. My makeup for tonight was neutral since the dress itself already stood out. It was only a couple of minutes when I heard my chauffeur pull up into my driveway. I went ahead and took my essentials, my phone and my small purse. Stepping outside of my hacienda, and locking the door behind me. I could heard my chauffeur gasp as I turn to face him, he was smiling as he complimented me, "Oh Y/n! Aren't you a beautiful angel!". I walked up to him as I laughed a bit responding back to him, "Thank you Walter, I truly appreciate it". He gave me a gentle hug as he then opened the door for me while having his hand out for me to take. "After you miss L/n". I took his hand as I smiled, entering the vehicle while adjusting my dress. Soon, my chauffeur closed the door as he went to the driver seat, to rev up the engine. Then, off we went to the Cantina.

At The Cantina

Boss had greeted me at the entrance as we made our way to the backstage, and into my room. I finally had time to be alone a bit more before making my final decision. For some reason, I wish to see him once more, I really took a liking to him. The boss warned me that the cantina was a full house tonight, there were people lining outside the door to try and buy last minute reservations. I made sure to do my final touch ups as one of the crew members knocked my door, "Miss Y/n, the stage is all set!". I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, as I stood up from my chair, adjusting the feathers of my dress. Soon, walking out of the room and into the backstage preparing myself for tonight's show. I stood in the center of the stage, the curtains still closed, as I hoped to see Alucard once more to tell him my decision. Soon, the announcements came on, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's performance, by the lovely Y/n L/n. Please take your seats and enjoy the show". I was able to hear the cheers and screams by the audience as the curtains began to rise infront of me. It was completely dark, before the lights slowly began to light up the stage. I looked up to the audience with a smile, the audience seemed to be surprised by my dress, as I heard them clap for me.

 I looked up to the audience with a smile, the audience seemed to be surprised by my dress, as I heard them clap for me

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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