"Because!" She grabs her uncle's hand. "You're the existence!"   

"I'm the what?" you chuckle at her nonsense.   

Realization dawns on Shane's face. "Okay, I think that's enough. Let's go, Jas."   

"You're the existence!" She points at Shane. "to his bane. I don't know what it means but it sounds cool!" she grins.    

Maru was using all of her will not to burst out laughing. You look up at Shane. He refused to look at you. "So, I'm the bane of his existence huh?"   

Jas grabs your hand. "Yeah!" She pulls you up, trying with all her might to drag you away. "Now, come on! The egg hunt is gonna start soon," she grabs Shane with her other hand and drags the two of you into the town square.   

Shane clears his throat. "Uh.. sorry."   

You look over at him, shocked that an apology could ever come out of his mouth. "What did you say?" Surely you had heard him wrong.    

He scowls at you. "You heard me."   

"No, I just.. are you really apologizing to me right now? You? Apologizing?" a half smile grows on your face.    

"Never mind, forget I said anything. I take it back," he turns his attention back to the ground which was apparently very interesting.    

Sam, Abigail, and Sebastian were standing a few yards away. "I'll be right back," you tell Jas, reassuring her you'd be back in time for the egg hunt.    

Sam looked a bit concerned as you walked over. "Hey," he says before gesturing towards Shane and Jas. "What was that all about?"   

"Eh, don't worry about it. The kids taken a liking to me. Wants me to do the egg hunt with her and her uncle."   


Why did things feel.. off. Sebastian was glued to his phone, Sam was being oddly quiet and reserved, and Abigail looked lost in thought.    

Finally, Sam spoke and he somewhat sounded like his usual self. "How's Larry?"   

Grateful to have something to talk about, you latch onto the conversation. "He's doing good. I fed him some extra treats this morning since I knew I'd be gone for a while."   

"Who the fuck is Larry?" Sebastian asks, looking over his phone.    

"The cat," Sam answers.    

Abigail starts cracking up. "You fucking named the cat LARRY? PFFTTT"   

Sebastian shakes his head. "That's a dumb name."   

Sam's jaw drops. "What?? It's a perfect name! What are you guys talking about??" he looks at you for help. "Tell them our cat child Larry has a wonderful name!!"   

"It is a silly name," you add, shrugging as Sam looked at you like you betrayed him.    

"He's a silly little boi, I think Larry suits him," Sam defends.   

Finally, things felt normal again.   

Sebastian puts his phone in his back pocket, crossing his arms as he leaned against a tree. "So, you're doing the egg hunt?" He asks you.   

"Yeah, I am. For Jas."   

Abigail gasps. "Wait really?"   

"Bruh, where've you been this entire conversation?" Sam asks.    

"Shut up!" she turns back to you. "Are you really?"   

"Yep. Why?" you tilt your head.    

"I'm gonna do it too! I figured I was too old but I feel fine about it since you'll be doing it with me," she beams at you.    

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