Part 23

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It had been a little less than a month since Keeley and Ann had fought, and now Keeley was standing out front of Ann's house. She had been scripting out her apology in her head on the way there. Keeley knew it wasn't perfect. She couldn't describe the guilt she felt with words; she had to hope that Ann would see how sorry she truly was in her face. Once Keeley built the courage, she approached Ann's front door and banged the golden door-knocker. Ann's mom answered the door, this time in a long cream-colored nightgown with white lace trims. "Hello..." Keeley said coyly as Ann's mother glared down at her. She was raising her chin high, which made Keeley feel small. She was an intimidating woman when she wanted to be. That was clear. The once bubbly woman she had met before stood before her as a fierce warrior. "What are you doing here?" she questioned, her voice holding steady. "I... I came to apologize to Ann..." Keeley's voice was quaky and unstable. She had to force every word out of her throat. Ann's mom glared at her momentarily, then turned to face inside the house "Ann! Come downstairs and go sit in the living room!" Her mom yelled up the stairs. A minute later, Ann came strolling down the stairs. As she did so, she looked out the door and made eye contact with Keeley for a second, then averted her eyes and scurried into the living room. Ann's mom watched Ann's every movement until she was out of view, then turned back to Keeley. "You get one chance to apologize to Ann and me." she declared. Keeley shook her head up and down. Then Ann's mom led her into the living room, and she sat next to Ann on the couch. Keeley seated herself in a lounge chair across from them, her hands pressed against her knees. She opened her mouth, but nothing would come out. Her full scripted apology disappeared from her mind, and she couldn't think of anything. "Ann- I..." she spit out. "You what?" Ann snapped. She was equally as fierce as her mom. "I... I'm sorry, I'm not ashamed to be friends with you. I saw how your friends treated you because you were my friend, and I didn't want you to take the fall for me. You didn't deserve it." Keeley said passionately, keeping eye contact with Ann, whose face was emotionless. Ann's mom was smiling slightly, which calmed Keeley a bit. "That isn't why they were treating me how they did," Ann mumbled. "Someone had found out I like girls and had sent it out to everyone when we were on the bus that day..." she said, her voice fading into a sob as she spoke. Tears began streaming down her face, and her mom placed her hand on Ann's back. She folded down with her hands over her face. Keeley sat in shock, then stood and crept toward Ann. Keeley kneeled before Ann and put her hands on Ann's knees. "I am here for you..." she promised. Ann uncovered her face and looked at Keeley, her eyes were bloodshot, and her face was wet with tears. She threw her arms around Keeley and held her in a hug, and Keeley wrapped her arms around Ann. "Thank you..." Ann sniffed.

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