Chapter Twenty-Three

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The letter sat next to me, folded on the grass.

I picked it up, unfolded it, and stared at the words within. Whoever the stranger had been, he was right. I would be better off without Vincent and my mother in my life. Before I could give it too much more thought, I ripped the letter in half. And half again.

I kept shredding the letter until only tiny pieces remained. And then I let it drift away in the wind, no longer allowing its darkness to coat my soul in misery. My mother had reduced me to this horrible state of grief for the last time.

Standing, I brushed some stray dirt and dead grass off my skirt and grabbed my bag from where I'd thrown it onto the ground near me. I wasn't sure what time it was, or how much class I'd missed, but I was determined to stop feeling sorry for myself.

I wasn't here to miss all my classes. My education might end up being my only salvation once I graduate. Since my mother made it clear I wasn't welcome with her, I would have to do my best to forge my own way forward in life. And that started today.

In one pocket of my bag, my cellphone vibrated. I pulled it out, stunned to learn that I'd been out here for over two. I'd missed first period and most of the second, but I would have enough time to make it to my third period class.

There was a single text from Naomi. Are you okay?

My fingers hesitated over the screen. I doubted there was much point in lying to her now. I'd run away, and I'd been gone for hours. She obviously knew I wasn't okay.

Not really, I replied.

Almost instantly, the three little dots appeared, letting me know she was typing. I wondered if she'd been checking her phone often, just waiting for me to reply to her.

Do you want to talk about it?

I chewed on my lower lip, tugging at the chapped skin there. As much as I wanted to discuss all my problems with someone, I wasn't sure Naomi would understand. But I felt like I was drowning.

Maybe allowing someone in could help me.

Yes, I think I'd like that. I pressed the send button before I could change my mind.

Meet me in the library? Ten minutes?


I slipped the phone back into my bag, swallowing hard. Telling Naomi, opening up to someone for the first time, would be hard. I wasn't even sure if Inara knew the real reason I was here.

Alek claimed to know, but I wasn't sure if he did or not. Especially when I wasn't even truly sure what had happened that night.

Most of campus was deserted, since everyone was still in their classes. A few students milled around in front of the library, either headed inside or to the academic buildings.

I hadn't realized how cold I was until the warmth of the library surrounded me. The still silence of the library was like a shroud, and I moved forward quietly, afraid to disturb the silence.

Just past a group of studying students, I spotted Naomi's shock of red hair. She was looking around, searching the students that passed her by. A smile cracked across her face when she saw me and she waved me over to her.

"I'm glad you came," she said when I reached her. "I've been worried about you."

"Yeah, sorry about running away like that. I just needed a little time for myself."

"What was in that letter?" Naomi asked me, worry causing creases in her forehead.

I glanced behind me at the students at the table. Their attention appeared to be on their textbooks, but I didn't want to risk it.

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