Chapter 2- First Shift

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"Mate!" was the first thing Joshua heard from his wolf when he got to Briana location. There was a sweet smell of cinnamon apples and pine cones with a hint of chocolate in the air. Looking for the person with the scent, he spotted his pack members releasing a calming energy to ease the pain for a newly shifting wolf and an involuntary growl escaped him. In an instant they all backed off and he spotted the person the moon goddess created just for him. There was a boy with caramel skin and jet black hair. His eyes were flickering between his hazel brown eyes to his wolfs purple once and from what he could see from his half shifted body, he was well built as well.

Joshua has been secretly paying more attention to Carlos since he shifted, however he thought it was just his curiosity about the boy and brushed it off. It's a bit shocking that he was his mate all along. He wouldn't have thought his mate would be a male.

"Go mate. Mate is in pain" his wolf Tai whimpered in his head taking him away from his thoughts. In an instant, he shifted into his brown wolf with dark blue eyes and blond paws. Shredding his clothes and wrapping himself around him. The instant feeling of electricity from the mate bond that everyone talked about was surreal. Carlos instantly relaxed in his embrace but not too long after he jumped right out at the sight of his paws. Tai whimpered from the loss of our mate's touch.

"What is his reaction to his paws?" Joshua snapped at Briana through a mind link. She should know the situation since she is his best friend.

"We thought he was human," she replied.

'This is going to be-' his thoughts were cut short by Carlos' whimper of pain. In an instant, Joshua was comforting him once again.

"Time is up '' Joshua heard Tony say and unwrapped himself from him. He heard his pack members gasp once he fully removed himself from Carlos.Wanting to know what got them so shocked, He turned to find the most unrealistically beautiful wolf he had ever seen.

His mate wolf was beautiful. Carlos wolf is half black ,half white. On his forehead there is a yin yang of a purple moon and a burning sun .His fur sparkles in the moonlight and his jet black paws left a trail of light wherever it stepped.

"Mate is amazing," Tai said and Joshua couldn't disagree. Joshua started walking slowly to him but stopped once he saw him backing away from him in a panic.

Looking around, Carlos noticed he was surrounded by people...'Wolves? Wolf? He is a wolf right now. How is he a wolf?This shouldn't be possible. How is this possible?'

"Mate!" Carlos heard a voice in his head.

'Am I hearing things?' Carlos thought.

"Go to mate!" he heard once again.

'What's a mate? Who are you?' He looked up to see a wolf walking to him and started backing away.

"I'm your wolf, Jitu," the voice told him.


"Carlo. It's me. Briana" he heard his best friend's voice.

"Bri? What is going on?" Carlos answered in a panic not registering the fact that they were talking in his mind.

"You need to calm down first. Breath." Nodding and taking a few deep breaths. He was going to ask what was happening but words didn't leave his mouth, howls did.

"Jackass" Carlos heard Bri voice again "Talk to me in your mind"

"My mind?"

"Yh. It's call mind linking"

"OK?" Carlos answered a bit skeptical.

"You need to run in your wolf form to let your wolf stretch his legs"

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