[4] Welcome to the Villains world

Start from the beginning

Its a... Small penguin..??

"Puah–! Nice to meetcha! I'm investigator Pengun!" The penguin introduce himself, somehow radiating soft energy.

This caught Yuuga off guard.


"Yuuga, I will be accompany on your questioning." The penguin jump and settled on Yuuga's lap.

"Its warm." Yuuga thought as it settles on their lap. They resisted the urge to pet it.

The penguin started to lean on to Yuuga. Probably urging Yuuga to pet it or hold it.

Cazzel satisfied with the amnesiac student stress level decreases. They started into the questioning.


The question does bear fruit at some degree. We managed to get some info.

The student believe they have a relative. Whether immediate family or distant one.

They strongly believe they went already through their 18th birthday. However, they can't determine the exact date of birth.

They unable to recall their first and last names. We can't disclose and press more details above than that.

Questioning session ends.

"I'm afraid we'll need to have Yuuga-kun fingerprints for further investigation." Cazzel requested.

Crowley and Crewel turned to eachother.

Crowley ask the student. "Is it alright with you?" Yuuga nods.

They scanned Yuuga's fingerprints. "Don't worry, Yuuga-kun. We will try our best to reunite you with your family as soon as possible." Cazzel said.

"When will it be?" Yuuga asks

"Uhm– probably around this evening or early next morning." Cazzel answers.

"Eh–? That's so fast!" Crewel said in shock.

"Haha, you would be shock investigator Pengun is a fast worker also the department currently isn't working on major cases." Cazzel admitted.

"Is it really alright to disclose that information to normal citizen like us?" Crewel sighs.

Cazzel put his hand over his mouth. "Cazzel Cain, you blabbermouth." Pengun said from the rim of the sling bag.

"Anywho, I'm glad you would find room for our dear Yuuga's case. We're truly thankful." Crowley gave his gratitude to the officers.

"Then, we'll need to be going now! Have a good day. We'll meet again Yuuga." Cazzel and Pengun bid their farewells.

"Also, who put their familiars out the door?" Pengun asks.

They all turn to the door, to see a weasel with fire ears eavesdropping.

"Myah–!" Grim said in shock.

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