[4] Welcome to the Villains world

699 37 48

*The lines may not be accurate as the gamelines and forgive me for my lack of vocabulary*



Yuuga and Crowley enters an office. There awaits two other figures that Yuuga doesn't know of.

"You're late, Crowley!" A man with split colour hair stated.

"Good day to meet you again, Headmage Crowley!" A sophisticated officer dressed man bowed to Crowley whom just enter.

"Thank you for attending on the behalf magic police department, Officer Cazzel." Crowley thanked the officer.

"I'm just doing my job, Headmage Crowley." Cazzel salute to Crowley.

Crowley turned to Yuuga. "Yuuga, meet Divus Crewel-sensei and Officer Cazzel. They are in charge your investigation."

"Also, Crewel is the one who made your clothes." Crowley words trailed off.

Yuuga bowed and greet the other two. "The clothes looks nice on you. Crowley did a good job describing you to me" Crewel glanced Yuuga up and down.

"Are you the John Doe that Headmage disclose me of?" Cazzel inspects the amnesiac.

"John Doe?" Yuuga questioned as he took a seat that was prepared for them.

"Yes, its a place holder name for people who didn't remember much about their identity." Cazzel explains.

"Or perhaps, you have a more preferred name?" Cazzel asks Yuuga nicely.

"I'm already somewhat used to the name Headmage thought for me... 'Yuuga' is the alias." The student said.

"I see..." The Officer nods while writing something in his notepad.

"First... We need to examine your condition." Crewel usher Yuuga to come to him.

Crewel cast some sort of spell on Yuuga. It radiates a warm feeling inside of the student.

"... Strange. No records of injury or ruptures. He's physically at peak condition. Amnesia could possibly resulted within trauma." Crewel stated.

"How would you know?" Yuuga blurted. That caught Crewel's attention.

"Appraisal magic. I only inspected your physical state and its alright." Crewel said.

"Are you interested, pup?" Crewel smirked.

Yuuga shook his head excessively. Crewel lost interest, glance away.

"Alright Yuuga, we're going to ask you a couple series of questions and I want to remember as hard you can, okay?" Cazzel requested Yuuga politely.

"I'll try..." Yuuga looks conflicted.

Cazzel is hesitant to ask Yuuga questions because of their state. Then, Cazzel had an idea.

"Yuuga, I want you to introduce to my partner." Cazzel showed inside his sling bag

His bag squirms and something or someone inside came out.

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