panic attack

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a/n: back w the angsty imagines 😈 yall alr know
tw: panic attacks! do not read if sensitive to the topic!!!!!

y/n pov:
It was tough being the girlfriend of one of the most popular footballers. On the daily basis i received hate, not having any privacy, people assuming things and probably the worst of them all paparazzi.

It was like this weird creepy men with a camera probably heavier than me and following you around all day, asking you all sorts of uncomfortable and weird questions and somehow expects you to answer them.

When you first started dating Kylian he wanted to keep things private because of the paparazzi and the hate you might receive from just being his girlfriend. But of course you had to self sabotage and brushed his comment off by saying 'i can handle it' and made things public, and oh boy were you wrong. Incredibly wrong, to this day you still think you jinxed yourself.

Shopping centre
I was at the mall to quickly buy make up and clothes for my upcoming trip to Brazil for my modeling job. I needed to hurry as Kylian was waiting in the car for me. As i quickly grabbed the things i needed and was leaving the store i see paparazzi right outside the shopping mall waiting for me with their big cameras and ready to shove it in my face. I quickly put my sunglasses on, and walk faster to my car and seeing swarms of paparazzi there already waiting for me. My anxiety starts getting worse and as i get nearer to my car, bunch of flashes go off. 
"Y/n is it true that Kylian cheated on you with his ex at a party?"
"Whens your next photo shoot"
"Will you be there at the next PSG game?"

I quickly push them off my car and honk loudly signaling for them to move. As they left my anxiety hasnt gotten any better. And before i knew it, i was having a panic attack. I never had panic attacks until i met the loveliest thing on earth called paparazzi.

As i get into my car, Kylian glanced at me and saw my breathing getting faster.

My breathing started getting faster and i started sweating. I could hear my heart pounding as the anxiety of paparazzi never leaving my body.

Kylian took my hands in his and said,
"Hey, look at me" Kylian said softly, i looked at him while shaking and trembling.
"Take deep breaths. Here follow me" as he said and started taking deep breathes to demonstrate. As i followed him i closed my eyes and focused only on taking deep breathes.

After a while my breathing and heart got to a normal rate and i stopped worrying about stupid paparazzi. As we got home, Kylian immediately took me upstairs and we cuddled and napped the entire day, and watched marvel all the day long and night. He is my safe person was the only thought throughout the entire day.

A/n: yo im finally back, i have finals next week lorddd and after that during spring break ill prolly update a lot😈

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