A New Threat

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Y/n's POV

"The force field...it's a dome," Katniss disclosed to us after she climbed down a tree. "We're at the edge of the arena. I couldn't find any signs of fresh water though."

"It's gonna get dark soon. We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp and take turns sleeping. I can take first watch," Finnick offered.

Katniss scoffed. "Not a chance."

"Honey, that thing I did back there for Peeta? That was called saving his life. If I wanted to kill either of you, I would've done it by now," Finnick claimed.

"Fin, stop," I order. "Arguing isn't gonna get us anywhere. And Katniss, you've gotta learn to trust us. Finnick and I only want to help you."

"Haymitch told us you were too trusting in your first games," Katniss brought up. "That was your biggest downfall."

"And you weren't trusting enough in yours," I counter. "Look, Katniss, this isn't the same as our first games. You need allies, and we're what you've got. You trusted me through the days leading up to now, so I need you to keep up with that, okay? And yeah, Finnick may be cocky and a bit of an asshole sometimes, but he's a good guy. Seriously. You can trust him too."

"Yeah. Okay. But I'm not tired anyways, so I'll take first watch with Finnick. You and Peeta get some sleep," Katniss instructed.

While I wasn't tired, it was nice to close my eyes. I curled up against Finnick's side from where he was sitting against a tree trunk, and the feeling of his arm around me helped me feel safe. Out here, anything could happen, so I was treasuring these moments while I could. As much as I wanted to sleep, I couldn't, and all I could do was think about my first games. Thankfully, a distraction kept me occupied. A song echoed throughout the arena, and the pictures of the fallen tributes were projected into the sky.

"I counted nine," I tell Katniss and Finnick. Just then, a chimining tune whistled from nearby, and I spotted a small object flying down towards us. Katniss shot to her feet, and when the parachute landed, she opened up the small box attached to it.

"Drink up," Katniss read from the small slip of paper before pulling out a tiny metal tube shaped object.

"What is it?" Finnick asked.

"It's from Haymitch. I think it's a spile," Katniss guessed.

Finnick frowned. "A what?"

"You use it to get water from trees," I explain as Katniss used a rock to slam the spile into a nearby tree. For a second, nothing happened, but soon, water started spewing from the device. "Oh thank god. Fresh water."

The four of us took turn drinking water from the spile, even using it to cool ourselves down. It was very refreshing, and I was thankful for the sponsor. I had only received one sponsorship during my games, but it was helpful. A nice bowl of soup and some bread. Man, what I would kill for that right now. But I was grateful for the water, and the thought that I wouldn't be killed from dehydration comforted me in a way. A few hours later, a series of gong like noises sounded throughout the arena.

"There were 12," Katniss counted. 

"Midnight?" Finnick figured.

"Or the number of districts," Katniss suggested. Out in the distance, lightning began to strike at a large tree that towered above everything in the arena. It caught my eye because it was unusual that the tree didn't burn up. But I couldn't think about it more because my eyes began to close.

"Well, if you're not gonna sleep, I will," Finnick said to Katniss and found himself a comfortable spot on the floor. I took the spot next to Finnick and allowed him to pull me closer, draping his arm over my waist. With Finnick so close to me, and the fact that it had been an exhausting day, I fell asleep rather quickly. But it felt like I didn't sleep for long because a scream woke me up from my slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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