The 75th Hunger Games

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Y/n's POV

"Caspian," I gasp out and hug my escort as he entered the room where I would be raised into the arena. "What are you doing here?"

"The Capitol is letting a mentor, stylist, or escort talk with the tributes before the games," Caspian informed me.

"Then who's with Finnick?" I quiz and tug at my ponytail self consciously.

"I was just with him, but he said I should spend a majority of my time with you," Caspian told me. "I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told him. The suit is light with no thermal additions, so I'd guess the arena is either tropics or the desert. If it is the tropics, use that to your advantage. You and Finnick are amazing swimmers, and you can fight well in the water."

"Got it," I confirm. "Anything else?"

"I have something for you," Caspian claimed and pulled out a small, golden pendant. "Here."

"What's this for?" I ask and examine the necklace before clipping it around my neck and tucking it into my suit. "Caspian, you didn't have to get me anything."

"It's not from me. It's from Haymitch Abernathy," Caspian revealed. "A token to solidify your alliance with Katniss and Peeta."

"And the plan for the Rebellion? Is that still-"

Caspian cut me off. "Shhh! We shouldn't talk about that here. But yes, it's still on. Stick to the plan we agreed on. Finnick will find Katniss, you find Peeta, and you'll meet up."

10 seconds until launch.

"Thank you for everything, Caspian. You're amazing," I comment and give him one more hug. "Hopefully I'll see you on the other side."

"I have faith that you will, Y/n. Good luck," Caspian wished me as I stepped into the tube, which closed behind me. Then, a few seconds later, the platform I was standing on began to rise. 

The first thing that hit me was the sun. It's bright rays shined over the arena, making it hard to see for a moment. But when my vision cleared, I saw that we were in water. The cornucopia was just like it was in my first games, except this one had long rock pathways leaded towards the dense tropical forest that surrounded us. 

"Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

As soon as the announcer said 'one', and the cannon went off, I dove into the water, and the temperature of it felt nice compared to the humidity outside. Being in water was a huge skill of mine, so it wasn't a surprise when I reached the rocky pathway first. I hoisted myself off, the water from my wetsuit dripping off of me, and started to run to the cornucopia. I got there just after Finnick, who handed me a leg sheath filled with throwing knives that attached to a belt at the hip with two regular knives. I put in on quickly as he grabbed a trident, and the two of us gave each other a knowing look.

"Go find Peeta!" Finnick ordered and took off towards the other side of the cornucopia. I looked around, and my eyes spotted Peeta fighting with another tribute out in the water by the pedestals.

"Finnick! I found him!" I shout out, hoping Finnick would hear me. Before I heard an answer, I started running down the pathway to get to Peeta. When I got there, I saw that it was the District 10 male tribute, and he was attempting to drown Peeta. Knowing that I was good in water and could help, I shed my leg sheath and belt.

"Y/n! Wait!" Finnick called out as him and Katniss started to run in my direction. 

I knew there was a chance Peeta would die if I waited any longer, so without hesitation, I dove into the water. I got to Peeta and the other tribute pretty quickly, and when I did, I wrapped my arms around the tribute's neck, pulling him away from my ally. In response, he shoved his elbow back, catching me right in the eye. I let out a yelp, and my grip loosened, and in that moment of weakness, the tribute decided to turn on me. He lunged towards me, his body hitting mine with as much force as it could in the water, and he pushed me under the waves. I held my breath as I went under, my hands reaching up to pry the hands of the other tribute off of me, and when that didn't work, I sent a punch straight up to his face. As soon as I was above the water, I jumped on the tribute's back, pulling him so that his back, and mine, hit the water, and hooked my arm around his neck. Then, I wrapped my left leg around his, and with my right foot, I pushed down on his stomach, submerging him beneath the waves. He struggled against my grip, but with his legs practically useless, and my arm cutting off any airflow to his lungs, there wasn't much he could do. It didn't take long, and before I knew it, the tribute went limp in my arms, and a cannon sounded in the distance.

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