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Karan stood up from his place and kneel down in front of Jia, and this action made her totally confused. He holds Jia's hand and caresses it saying, "I still have some truths to unfold Jia." After hearing her name from him she became more restless because no matter she requested to not to refer her as 'baby' and call her by names Karan never obliged to that, but today when he can freely call her 'baby', he is calling her by names.

Karan – "Jia, we met and now love each other, though we never confessed. You must be thinking why or maybe waiting for it, but I guess after unfolding of the whole truth you won't even want to see my face." Jia couldn't handle anymore and hugged him, he was taken back because this was obviously unexpected and she said, "Just tell me already, I can't bare so much of stress and confusion, please."

Karan broke the hug and moved a little back. Jia was scared to core but she was preparing herself for the worst because Karan's action was making her feel like nightmares.

Karan – "Listen to me carefully okay." Jia nodded. "After the accident you were badly injured but survived, your parents died. Someone took you up from the spot and admitted you to the hospital. After few months and some series of surgeries you finally made it. Since you were not in the spot of accident when the police arrived, the police declared the whole family died." He sighed, then stated, "Your savior was none other than the person who took you in his house and instead of taking care of yours, his wife, his daughter and moreover he himself tortured you for years. So that at the right time he can claim your property by making you left with nothing." Jia was not ready for this. Her world collapsed in one go, but still she was hearing every word which came out of Karan's mouth.

The last line made her come back to reality. "I am your sinner's son Jia." She looked straight into his eyes and found disappointment, hatred and guilt but only for his parents' deeds. Her mind was messed up but still she needed a safe place. She had her family now, but her safe place is now far from her. She fell down on her knees feeling very weak. Everyone ran to her except Karan. All were trying to calm her down, but she couldn't find her warm and safe place, which made her look straight up to see Karan. Karan was staring at the floor, there was guilt, but he loved the girl a lot since for always, still can't change the fact that 'he was her sinner's son.' This was breaking him now and he can't take it longer, so, he decided to depart from there.

Karan took the last glance and with a sad smile started to move towards the main door. Jia was just following his every move. When she saw him opening the main door, she realized him leaving.

Jia – "So you are leaving for your family.? Is this the end of us, are we ending up without even starting officially.? Is this our... final... final goodbye.?"

Karan turned back just to find Jia staring at him with questionable look. He sighed and said, "It's your family time Jia, we will talk about us later. You already got to know a lot about yourself to do. You should take time to figure out things and I am somewhere responsible for your bitter past and pains, thing before taking the next move." He said everything with a blank face. He again turned but paused saying, "And about leaving you, I can never do that because you are and always be special but yes, I am leaving you here with your family in your house, get the love and care you always longed for, and I will my family back home." With all this he left, and the rest embraced Jia who was sobbing hard.

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