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Imlie was late today. She still didn't reached home .

Imlie: oh god ! I'm so late today! I hope I'll get a cab !! This Akkadbagga is still in office!! How can a person work like a Robot ? Wait ! Is he a robot.

Suddenly walked straight into a hard solid piller.

imlie: awww!!! How the hell a wall came in a wrong place suddenly.

- sorry!! The wall said and gave her a hand to wake up.

Imlie: wait!!! How come a wall is speaking!! Is this wall any chance related to our robot boss? Did he made this?? She said loudly while rubbing her back and head.

- excuse me!! Neither I'm wall nor my brother is a robot!! Yes he might work like a machine but surely he is a human and I'm too. But hey am I that hard you considered me as a wall?

Imlie saw a surprised looking man asking this question to her.

Imlie: oh!! Sorry !!  Actually I'm hell tired today so just talking rubbish!!

Man: why you have my brother's blazer?

Imlie saw she accidentally took Aryan's blazer after their meeting instead of hers.

Imlie: oops!! That's why it's looking big.

She smiled sheepishly .
- but it's comfy !! Imlie stated as a matter of fact.

- Yuvi!! What are you doing here?

Imlie saw Aryan is coming towards them.

Aryan saw Imlie is wearing his blazer and sitting on the ground. Looking like a curious toddler.His brother who extended a hand towards her has a huge grin on his face .

Aryan pulled imlie up : are you ok?

Imlie nodded her head.

Yuvi: well I was here to recieve you to home . Your car is broken down today.
But she straight walk into Me and assumed I'm a giant wall made by you who can be robot secretly.

Aryan laughed a bit at them.

Aryan: imlie how come you don't recognise a difference between mine your blazer. Everyday you take mine.

Imlie: well you can't blame me at all. Your one is comfortable.

Aryan: this is my cousin Yuvraj Singh Rathore.

This is imlie my employee!!

Yuvi: well as you can see I'm not a wall.

Imlie: sorry for that! Your a bit hard so I thought you're a wall.

Aryan: we have to drop imlie at her home.

Imlie: umm actually it's quite late and my PG's door is probably closed. I've to call my friends for crash in. I do that often if I'm late .

Aryan: don't be silly.  Stay at my home .

Imlie: sir that will be inappropriate.

Yuvi: not at all. I'm informing maa and choti maa.

Imlie: ok.

Yuvi sat in driving seat . Aryan and Imlie sat on back.

Yuvi and Aryan kept chit chatting.

Yuvi didn't noticed Imlie slowly fallen asleep at Aryan's shoulder and Aryan slowly running his hands on her hair.

They reached to the Rathore Mansion.

Precap: more flashback

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