War of Destruction

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Percy POV

I was preparing my armor. I polished the black pure steel armor with red flecks in it. 

"There you are. I was wondering where you were." saying Artemis, who popped out from nowhere.

"Eh, why?" I asked.

"Camp Half-Blood has assembled. Every pantheon is there right now. They're shouting for war! Are we going to answer them, Percy?" Artemis replied, not worried.

"Let them shout for another day, Artemis." We were in a outpost in a football field away from Camp Half Blood, but they weren't trying to advance knowing our manpower and strength was high. They're best bet was staying there for the time being, waiting for other reinforcements. Apparently some of the Primordials who reformed joined them for revenge. Apparently Thor was in the battlefield too, screaming at the walls to bring it on. Fun Fact : We ignored him and even threw him a chocolate cupcake that he even ATE. 

Frigg POV

That dumb son of mine just ate a chocolate cupcake thrown from a freaking OUTPOST, not knowing whether it was poisoned or not and his excuse was "I was eating their rations". I slapped him across the face.

A day later

Percy POV

I walked out of my castle, my armor pure black with a red cape behind me, while my army is following my back. I walked to the battlefield. Millions of gods were assembled, while billions of demigods and a hundred thousand titans/monsters/primordials/etc. We were outnumbered a billion to one, but I had no doubt we were winning this.

"Are you sure we can win this?" Artemis asked.

"Definately, Artemis. There's no way one of my average soldiers cant take on 10 gods at once, Artemis." I replied. 

"Hmm" was the reply from Artemis. I rolled my eyes. 



My troops rushed at the gods army while the other army roared battle cries in a dozen different languages and charged. It was a massacre. hundreds of gods fell immediately while two of my soldiers were crushed by Zeus and Indra. I rushed to the battlefield with Artemis, swinging my Dual Eternal Ends. Artemis jumped into battle, swinging her longsword around, cutting down gods and goddesses with ease. At one point she even crushed a primordial. Meanwhile I was in the center of battle, dueling with Indra, Pontus, Vishnu and Hachiman. I crushed Indra while slamming my blade into Pontus's face, sending him flying. Suddenly Lucifer appeared from nowhere and in a fiery blaze arc, slashed my armor. My armor had a scratch on it, which was suprising. I slammed into Lucifer, holding him down using my leg while slashing continuesly. At one point I slammed my blade into Vishnu, but my hold on Lucifer slipped. He disappeared to cause more chaos. The Christian God was dueling Artemis and Luke, one of my generals. The Christian God was having a hard time defeating Luke or Artemis. I dodged an arrow from Apollo and summersaulted across lines and summoned my trident midway and slammed it on the ground, creating multiple earthquakes, instantly defeating Hades and Poseidon, who were nearby. I slashed Indra's face into shreds, cut Hachiman's hands off and slayed Vishnu with ease. Shangdi dashed torwards me with a longsword but I cut the longsword into pieces and smashed my blade into his face, sending him back. I dodged an uppercut from Guan Yu, and slammed my sword into his face, killing him instantly. I started dueling 50 unnamed gods at once and won. A thousand demigods charged, but I blasted them to ashes with my lightning.

Zeus POV

We were absolutely losing. Half of our troops already fell when our troops met Jackson's, and now the Christian god was about to be defeated by Artemis and Jackson's general, while Lucifer was laying dead on the battlefield, killed by one of Jackson's soldier. Hades and Poseidon was also defeated, missing in action. Chaos was defeated by Jackson's general as well while multiple gods challenged Perseus, he still destroyed them. Vishnu was defeated by Jackson while half of the Indian Pantheon was already destroyed. The Asgardian Pantheon was already fully defeated, with Artemis standing victorious after defeating Odin and Thor at the same time. Even Jörmungandr was defeated by Jackson's general.  The Egyptian Pantheon was almost fully defeated, while Japanese and Chinese pantheons were still mostly alive, but struggling to survive. Half of the Christian Pantheon were already gone, saint Michael already defeated by Artemis, all the other saints were horribly destroyed by Jackson's army.  I was fighting with one of the warriors, but was defeated. Everything was going black when Athena saved me by killing the soldier from behind. 

"Dying easily today, father?" Athena asked.

"Not after Apollo was crushed and my brothers was defeated." I said, standing up, continuing our fight. 

Percy POV

My eyes turned Red. I slayed a billion demigods with my aura immediately. I went 50%, slaying most of the gods. I went 80%, slaying the Christian God. I went 90%, killing Devi, Shiva and most of the Indian Pantheon. I went 100%, which made the continents tremble. My soul called upon fire. An entire fire storm stormed through the ranks, destroying them. Electricity stroke the lightning gods, darkness started choking the dark gods, light started killing every holy god. 

"Swords of the Seven Archangels!" My eyes glowed as bright as day as multiple swords made of light were formed above the clouds.

"STRIKE!" I yelled, and after that only screams were heard. My blade was covered in ichor, but my bloodlust started increasing. The Multiverse started cracking. The Earth had multiple cracks in already, which means in a few more seconds it'll be unfixable and the Multiverse only had a minute left to survive. Suddenly a woman with a regal appearance showed up and I smiled.

"I've been waiting for you, Beginning." I snarled. "How are you going to stop me this time?"

"This isn't you, Jackson. This is your demon form, it has infected you. Focus!" Beginning shouted and teleported in front of me and slammed her palm into my chest, sending me back, hitting the hill. The Hill had a hole now. I spat blood.

"You dare?" I spat. "I'll make you regret that." 

"Try me, Jackson." She said as ropes appeared in her hands. 

I teleported in front of her with my fist raised, and attempted to smash it into her face in less than miliseconds. She dodged and used the rope to tie my legs and she pulled it, making me fall. I broke the rope and dodged the rope coming downwards. The ground had a slash across it. I dashed forwards and slashed my sword. She dodged all of them at break-neck speed. I was blown back. My eyes glowed. I jumped forwards and slashed downwards in an arc in break-neck speed aswell, but Beginning narrowly escaped it. She slammed her palm into me again and I kneeled and spat blood. 

"How..." I said.

"The problem with you, Jackson, is the thought of revenge is too strong. You forgot to use your powers. You wanted to kill them too much to focus on defeating me or using your powers. Begone, words of End!" Beginning said. Everything went black. 

(1237 words total)

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