Bluepaws rage

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Tigerpaw had decided to leave camp and look for Bluepaw in the forest. After a long walk he had found her pouting. He quickly trotted over to comfort her. She suddenly lashed out and scratched his cheek. He backed away, shocked and scared. Bluepaw snarled at him and pounced. His head hit the floor and his ears rang.
"Bluepaw!" Stonefur yowled from the bushes.
He'd followed him there! Bluepaw quickly got off of him and backed away. The grey warrior ran over to her, anger blazed in his normally friendly eyes.
"What do you think you were doing?" He screamed.
Before letting her answer, Stonefur hissed and spun around, nudging Tigerpaw, who had now gotten up, with his tail. The now scruffy apprentice turned to see his friend staring at the two, unmoving. He quickly raced after Stonefur, scared that she would attack him again.

In the days after their fight, the two apprentices had stayed far away from eachother. Thankfully, Bluepaw had been kept in camp so Tigerpaw was able to get away from her through patrols.

Eventually, Tigerpaw began approaching her, but Bluepaw always ran off. It saddened him and he thought about how close they once were.
He spun around to see a small group of cats at the camp exit. Bluepaw was on of them. The cat who had called him was Nightclaw, Stonefur's brother.
"Tigerpaw!" He cried again, "want to go on a hunting patrol?"
Bluepaw must've finally been let out of camp. He thought about it for a moment before nodding and trotted over.

Tigerpaw desperately tried to make conversation with his friend but she simply nodded and walked off. Tigerpaw was devastated. The two had been so close.
"All this over a stupid fight?" He thought, angrily.

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