Chapter -1 : Divorce

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                (Before 18 years)
Kavya Obroi , a lady born with silver spoon married in a rich family standing in front of court with her 6 month pregnant belly. Today is hearing of court. The day everything gonna change in her life. Good or bad only time will tell.
For world Kavya Malhotra, is a  happy and lucky women with a rich perfect husband with 2 adorable sons ,  waiting for her baby. But only she knows what she is suffering . Until one day for the first time she decided something for herself- not for her family, not for her Children , not for her society - but for her and her self respect.
She tried, to hold her family not for anyone but for her children but  when her husband's PA slapped her in front of her so called husband just before kissing him infront of her, she lost it. She applied divorce.
She thought atleast her own parents will stand with her, but for them she is a woman so she has to adjust, thats how family works.
The only one who is with her In all these chaos were her mother-in-law. But even she can't help her when court decided to give both sons sole custody to her husband or ex-husband because of her financial instability.
She can't prove her husband's infidelity in their relation. Maybe that's how society works , with the one with money and power everything is possible. 
She know he is not a good guardian to her children, her only option is to leave them with their dadi , her mother in law.
Atlast Kavya Obroi becames Kavya Malhotra
In the corner of courtroom, stood two children- her adhi who is 10 year and arjun who is only 7- without knowing what's happening around them. She know maybe this will be the last time she can see them. She walked to them weeping silently to say them to take care of each other . That's it. She don't know what else to say. That is the last time Kavya Malhotra saw her sons standing in a corner with glassy eyes with the man, her ex husband- standing there with a victorious smirk.

She is emotionally, physically and financially drained out. She just have some cash and ornaments with her , but with her being pregnant , she don't know what to do. It's a big question mark in front of her. What's next ?

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