"Shut up." I know him. He still likes them. I've basically just thrown my fishing line into the water.

"Oh, so you don't like Wendy anymore?" I can feel a fish tugging at my line.

"What!? Hell no!" It's a big fish, but I know I can reel it in.

"Well then it won't be a big deal if you tell me." I'm reeling it right now, I'm so close!

"God, fine I don't-" he get's cut off by a ring coming from his phone, and my fishing line just got cut.

"Oh, it's Wendy!" Stan says, fumbling the phone out of his backpack.

He answers it and immediately forgets about our previous conversation. Jesus Christ, I hate that bitch. No, you know what, I hate Stan. I know, I know, I am an asshole because he can't help that he likes her, but I can't help but feel this way too. Maybe Wendy gets jealous when Stan is with me? That made my face go hot, it's not even a big deal.

I speed up, trying to walk away from Stan and maybe not cry. I get to my front door and I can't even see Stan on the sidewalk anymore. I walk inside and close the door, leaving it unlocked so Stan can get in, if he's even coming here anymore.

I run up to my room and sigh, taking in deep breaths so I don't cry. Which is really fucking ridiculous, I'm crying over my crush who will never like me back. I'm so fucking ridiculous. So ridiculous, in fact, that I text Cartman.

Joo: cartmaaaaaan

Fatass: what do you want kyle

Joo: Stan forgot about me and hes talking to wendy now.
We didnt even finish the walk home!

Fatass: ok well now you need to kick him out of you houes and make him walk to wendys alone

Joo: but i still want him to come over even if all he talks about is wendy
cuz i still wanna hang out with him

Fatass: yea but that would suck ass wendys not even that kewl

Joo: jesus fuck does it really matter what we talk about
Were bestfriends he should hang out with both of us an equal ammount of times or something

Fatass: maybe you could talk to him about it

Joo: in your fucking dreams
Wait i think hes here!

I stop texting Cartman and speed to the stairs. Stan is off of his phone and set his stuff down by the door. He looked to the stairs with a smile he would usually only have with Wendy, and sped up the stairs to meet me. Stan looked like he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Oh nothing!" He said waving his hands around. Lies.

"It's just been a while since I've seen this house." Stan said with nostalgia in his eyes. We usually go over to his house to rant about Wendy.

"Yea, we should hang out more!" I suggest, trying not to seem suspicious. Suspicious about what? Haha, it's not like I'm gay for him or anything. It's not like I cried over him to Butters today. Not at all!

Stan started walking to my room, already making himself at home.

"What do you wanna do first?" Stan asks messing with my Switch.

"I think you wanna play Mario Kart." I said with a small laugh, watching Stan grab the controllers to the Switch.

"You bet!" Stan was already turning on the console as I sat next to him on my floor.

-an hour later at like 5-

Stan and I played Mario Kart and various other games for so long. I loved spending time with him. It seemed like he almost forgot about Wendy! That was until he got a text. I heard a small 'oh' from Stan. I paused the game we were playing and looked over at him.

"What, what's wrong?" I asked moving up on my bed with him.

"Nothing, just Wendy."

"What happened with Wendy?"

"She wants me to go hang out with her." He said almost.. irritated??

"Well, you can go do that." I sneered, trying to not sound jealous. But I think I failed.

"Nah, I'll just stay here with you." He smiled at me, setting his phone down. What???

"Oh ok. I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick then." I lied just to get away from Stan. He gave me a quick thumbs up and I headed off with a stupid smile on my face.

Stan really chose me over Wendy?! That is unbelievable. I refuse to believe he just did that.

When I got in the bathroom I had to hold in the urge to squeal like a little girl. I was so happy for no reason. It's no big deal, your crush and super best friend just chose you over his girlfriend. Holy fuck, there is no reason I should be this happy. I man up and walk back out.

When I make it to my door I see Stan's red face, and my glowing phone screen slowly dimming right next to him. Wait, why was his face red?

"You ok?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Yea, I'm fine." Ok then, whatever you say.

I check my phone and saw a 'jesus your so gay for him' from Cartman and another notification from Nintendo. I smiled at the text from Cartman, but stopped when Stan said the scariest thing I've ever heard.

"Y'know you can tell me anything, right Kyle?" He said with such a small tone where he almost sounded guilty.

"No, Stan, you can tell me anything. You've been off today, what's wrong?" I deflected that question perfectly.

Stan sighed, "It's about the person I like." Stan trailed off. "I can't like them Kyle." Stan looked away, ashamed.

"Yes.. because you're dating Wendy?" I basically asked.

Stan turned away from me and almost whispered, "No, Kyle. It's.. wrong to love them." Has he been saying them this whole time?? Not a she!?

"If it's love, how is it wrong?" I wish I could take my own advice sometimes.

"Never mind, I guess you're right." Stan said defeated. He stood up and grabbed his phone.

"I'm gonna go. Cya at school Kyle." Stan said with an obviously forced smile. I wanted to stop him but I just let him leave. Why? I wish I knew.

1671 words. Sorry for short chapters, I only have time for this at night lol

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