🌟 Chapter 1 🌟

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CedarStar tensed. "Show me. Bring SilverMew, RookFoot and FennelFlower. WigeonWhisker, ApplePaw, Silverpaw, and MistletoeFang, you four stay here and watch camp. Make sure nobody else has gone missing." WigeonWhisker nodded, turning and collecting the other three.

"But I want to go with CedarStar!" He heard one of the apprentices' protests before leaving camp.

SilverMew padded alongside the WindClan leader. RookFoot and FennelFlower taking the rear, nervously looking around to make sure twolegs didn't surround them, which probably wouldn't happen. IceHeart stopped at a clump of bracken, glancing nervously at CedarStar and the others. "Just behind this bracken." She mewed, turning towards them. CedarStar nodded, looking to SilverMew, RookFoot, and FennelFlower. "Good. Now, you three, I want you out here. Keep watch for any more twolegs." The warriors nodded, taking their positions side by side.

The WindClan leader turned to IceHeart, giving the she-cat a nod. IceHeart dipped her head, nervously parting the bracken, until she disappeared from sight. CedarStar followed, unsheathing his claws. He felt adrenaline make his heart beat faster, he blinked, coming to the other side of the clump. CedarStar saw his Clanmate standing there, staring. "He's... he's not here..." She stepped forward. Her expression was blank, her eyes dull. "CrowNose was here! He was right here!" She mewed, her blue eyes sparkling with the beginning of tears.

CedarStar went to comfort the young warrior. "I'm sure he's fine." He meowed soothingly, taking another glance around the clearing; it was empty. All except for a tall wooden den. It must be a twoleg thing. He thought. We can't do much now. The WindClan leader sighed. "I'm so sorry, IceHeart."

The tom turned to where he and IceHeart entered. CrowNose wasn't there. He couldn't do anything to protect him now. He wanted to at least make sure the Warrior was okay... Yet, there was no way of doing that.

"CedarStar, wait..." He paused, looking back to IceHeart, who still stood there, as if frozen in time. "I...I need to tell you something..." She sounded unsure of herself, shuffling her paws.

CedarStar's brow raised, turning to the warrior without saying a word.

"I-I'm ex-" She was cut off by a loud noise, and suddenly, a twoleg appeared out of the wooden den, carrying what looked like a long stick.

"Run!" CedarStar yowled, grabbing the younger warrior by the scruff, trying to reach the bracken before the twolegs got closer. Suddenly, a twoleg appeared behind them, using a large stick to scoop the two up. CedarStar hissed, scraping at the sides of the twoleg thing. Meanwhile, IceHeart did the same, her blue eyes wide with terror. The twoleg grunted with the weight of the two cats, it carried the two cats to a monster, CedarStar tried once more to bite and tear through the thing, before being tossed into a monster, and all went black.

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