"yes baby i will." she sent him a warm smile making him crack a smile. "mk, gimme beso." he puckered his lips and gestured celeste to do the same towards the screen. every time when the two were on facetime and it was time to leave they always shared a kiss through the screen.

sometimes darrian would just send her voice messages of telling her to send kisses which led her to making multiple videos of her kissing the screen, it could be four in the morning but she would do it. just for him.

"bye mi amor, love you." celeste said the sentence thinking their was no meaning to it since the two have said love you before but never had said 'i love you.'

"love you forever baby." darrian sent her a cheesy smile before hanging up. celeste smiled at the now locked screen that her phone displayed. she had it bad. celeste decided to call her cousin for a couple minutes before deciding to leave the house.

isis wouldn't be walking with her since she was getting dropped off since she didn't feel like walking. isis also wanted to drive their with celeste but celeste said it would be a waste of gas with the fact that celeste lived maybe two blocks away from the reyes house.

celeste grabbed the big blue colored gift bag that had multiple presents for amiri in it. the girl was basically rushing out her room now since she couldn't afford to be late since she had promised the little boy that she would be there for his birthday.

and celeste never breaks her promises.

celeste jogged down the stairs, seeing the back of her dad's body that was turned on the stove. "hi pa, i'm going to amiri's birthday. i'll be home later." she stopped in her tracks to give her dad a hug which he returned back warmly.

"okay baby girl — oh! give the lil boy this for me." marc picked up the card that was laying on the counter and gave it to his daughter. celeste could feel from the weight inside of the papered card their was probably a couple hundred bills in it.

celeste nodded before strutting her way to the front door, grabbing her usual jacket. celeste grabbed the handle of the door and heard her dads voice. "bye princesá! be safe, i love you."

"i love you too." she said before leaving the house. celeste felt odd for some reason, she didn't know if it was because she was walking late at night which didn't make sense to her since she walked late at night oftenly.

celeste pulled out her wired headphones for maybe the thirtieth time this week and put them in her ears. the girl was paranoid, though she was never paranoid. she never felt more scared then what she felt like right now.

the street lights were just now turning on meaning she would have to quicken her pace which she proceeded to do. celeste wasn't playing attention and thought it was the best idea to put the volume down to not get distracted.

then, celeste stopped in her tracks when she heard her name being yelled out from behind her. she looked behind her then beside her not expecting to see two people in a black car, one having a gun in their hand.

and before she could blink the gun clicked. safety was off. and bullets were shot.

two bullets were directly fired through celeste's heart twice. her body that was once full of life fell to the cemented ground, her head making direct impact with it.

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