9||Final Straw

36 0 12

Night 6-Day 7

It's almost over.

There are five of us left.

Triple-Scoop couldn't believe anything that had happened.

This "host" (if it even is one) was probably more sadistic than she was. Turning their friends and acquaintances against each other with killing and betrayal under the cover of darkness — it felt so wrong, even for a violent and compulsive person like Triple-Scoop.

Now, for the sixth time, the lights shut down. All thanks to Mint, after all. Even though it had happened six times, everyone was still paranoid. Absolutely no one knew what would happen that "night," and if something did happen, everyone knew what would occur.

Triple-Scoop braced herself. If she were to be killed, she had a high suspicion of who killed her.

But it still couldn't be true, she reminded herself. It's a suspicion for a reason.

She could basically sense the amount of tension in the room, even though it was silent. Then, as if on cue, someone screamed in pain.

Although there were only a small number of players left, panic still managed to take control of the group.

"Where's Zen?!" Foliage's voice screamed from the dark. "They were right next to me, I—"

Triple-Scoop heard Candy Cane sigh. "We lost another. Again," he mumbled. "It's down to four of us."

"It's disappointing, sure," Mint's voice reassured, "but taking what we know about the host so far, I know it means well."

"You're dang right there, Mint," the PA said, lights flickering on again. "Check around. I'll leave it to you guys to find the body."

"You know what — screw it," Triple-Scoop exclaimed. "I'm looking." She started to search the House, walking around cautiously.

"Out of curiosity or safety?" Mint tried to clarify.

Triple-Scoop stopped in her tracks, sighing. "Both, I guess," she responded warily. She exhaled shakily, continuing her search.

Eventually, she did find Zen's body, left in the solitary room off to the right of the kitchen. It was startling, to say the least, but it was helpful... kinda.

Leaving the room, she took out Zen's journal. There wasn't much — they were a survivor, and they were relatively upset of Serenity's death early on in the game, each was pretty obvious even without the writing.

"So, you're down to four people," the host stated. "I'd say your suspicions now, if I were you. It's the final moments."

"I'm sorry to say this," Mint began, "but I'm thinking of Foliage."

"What?!" Foliage exclaimed, visibly confused. "At least give a reason!"

"Well, let's take what happened with Forbidden as an example," Mint went on. "He seemed innocent and pure — no offense, but kind of like you — and look what he did, Foli! He literally and figuratively backstabbed his 'brother.'"

"Your accusation makes no sense, Mint!" Triple-Scoop interfered. "Foliage themself said that they were a Savior, they even revived Purple!"

"Only for him to be the next person to die, Trips!" Mint countered. "Think about it — they could've pretended that they're the Savior, and then killed Purple to try and keep their crimes a secret!"

"That's— That's unreasonable!" Triple-Scoop yelled. "Your theories are completely inane!" She was getting angry now, eager to prove her point. She knew Foliage wasn't an Evil Teammate, she was sure of it.

Candy Cane and Foliage were silent. One out of shock, the other not knowing what to say.

The back-and-forth argument between Triple-Scoop and Mint went on for a while. Triple-Scoop — just like with her and Markery — was trying so hard to prove her point; she'd never stop until she wins her side over, or until further notice.

Eventually, the controversial talk got even more heated. "You know," Triple-Scoop began, "I bet you're the Murderer!"

Mint gasped, taken aback by Triple-Scoop's statement. "Oh really? How so?"

"Don't act like you don't know what you did!" Triple-Scoop exclaimed. "You got Peppermint voted, remember? Also, two of the many times the lights turned off were your fault! You keep reminding this inane host to turn them off without realizing it!"

"Hey, it's not my fault that I know the ways of the game now!" Mint turned to the PA. "Hey, host!" he called.


"Could we vote already?" Mint glared at Triple-Scoop. "After I double check with everyone else?"

"Yeah, sure. Don't rig the votes~!" the PA sang.

"CC, what's your call?" Mint asked.

Candy Cane seemed to hesitate. After a while, he finally sighed. "I agree with you, Mint."

"All right," Mint said, turning to Foliage. "I'm suspecting that you're against me, right?"

Foliage nodded in response. "Triple-Scoop is as well, so it's 2-2..."

"Host, what do we do if we have a tie?" Candy Cane asked.

"I choose someone at random," the host responded. "Who's up?"

"Foliage and Mint," Triple-Scoop replied.

"Yeesh... All right then." Clicking can be heard from the PA speaker. Suspension aired the room.

"Ohhhhh, boy..." the host muttered after a while. "Sorry, Foliage."

Foliage's pupils dilated, small tears welling up in their eyes. "It's all right. I understand."

"Stop crying right now or I'm going to start too,"the host commanded. "Okay, okay, okay" — its voice sounded slightly choked — "thanks for playing, Foliage."

Foliage bowed their head before their elimination was complete.

Like the many before them, their journal dropped to the floor. Triple-Scoop picked it up, body ever so slightly shaking.

First sentence in, and she already knew that she was right.

"I TOLD YOU SO," she yelled at Mint, angrily gesturing to Foliage's role — Savior, written in soft and polite penmanship.

"I already knew," Mint said with a smirk. "Good thing that the randomized vote wasn't me, or we would've lost."

"What?" Triple-Scoop muttered.

"I don't know how you didn't realize it sooner." Mint's voice was laced with murder, and it was a bit concerning. "Even with all your eager fact-checking.

"I'm the famous Murderer everyone's been searching for."

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