2||Confused, but Not Alone

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Day 1

"All right, I can already tell that this is going to go very wrong," Triple-Scoop sighed.

"Tell me about it," Dark Markery agreed.

"Glad we're all on the same page," Bluegrass replied.

Everyone had managed to come, all at around the same time. Turns out, the coordinates led to a house — one that looked slightly run down and somewhat creepy. While attempting to ignore the eerie interior, they were doing what they were told to do: taking some time to "get to know one another."


"I still don't get why I know everyone here," Purple Marker exclaimed.

"Maybe because you're friends with almost everyone?" Danger said, his tone somewhat sarcastic.

"Yeah, unlike someone," Difficulty Chart joked.

"Hey!" Danger paused. "Actually, that's true."

Difficulty Chart stifled a laugh and hit his fist on the coffee table. "Wow. I seriously can't believe you admitted that."


"Okay, Forbidden," Wild explained. "Since I don't really know what we're going to get into, we need to set some ground rules, okay?"

Forbidden nodded excitedly. "Okay!" he cheered.

"All right, first rule: stay near me at all times," Wild Marker said. "Even though we know some Markers here, you are closest to me."

Forbidden nodded happily again.

"Second: no matter what, don't let Wild Card control you," Wild explained, his voice now a whisper. "Since you're his" — he struggled to find the right words — "favorite, he likes to keep a close eye on you. Even if it's... somewhat inhumane."

Forbidden yet again nodded, this time, it was more hesitant. Wild Marker could feel Wild Card's malicious stare piercing through his body. He knew he shouldn't have worded it that way; he shouldn't have said it altogether, but what was he supposed to do? Let his creator/dad take control of him and kill in a blinding rage?

"Third — and this is the last one — do not tell anyone about who Wild Card really is, okay?" Wild could basically sense Wild Card's unintelligible cursing now.

"... O- Okay..." Forbidden mumbled. Wild thought he put too much on him, and was hit with a sense of guilt. Did he really, though? It's common knowledge for those who were "born" and raised in the Forbidden Maze.


"You think you'll be all right with this?" Mint asked.

Peppermint nodded, smiling. "Yes, Mint," he replied. "For the last time, I can handle this!"

"Mhm, like you handled Triple-Scoop becoming evil, and Mint being sent to the edge of the world," Candy Cane reminded.

"Shut up," Peppermint said jokingly, punching his brother in the arm. "I handled that very well," he lied. He knew he didn't handle it well.

"Whatever, man." Candy Cane rolled his eyes, then elbowed Peppermint. "Hm. Speak of the devil."

Triple-Scoop ran over, and immediately threw Mint and Peppermint into a hug. "Hiiiiiiiiii!!" she squealed.

"Hi to you too, but, uh, you're kinda choking me a bit—" Mint mumbled.

"Oh!" Triple-Scoop let both of them go. "Sorry about that, just really excited to be here!"

"Her enthusiasm is exHAUSTing," Bluegrass commented.

"It is not!" Triple-Scoop retorted. "Ignore him, he's crazy."


"Promise me you wont die?" Zen asked, holding Serenity's hands in theirs.

"I promise," Serenity responded. "You better promise too, you know."

Zen chuckled. "All right, I promise as well."

Serenity gave Zen a large hug. "Good," she stated.


"Do you think this will end well?" Grass asked.

"Maybe," Foliage replied, slightly shrugging. "It all depends on what's going to happen."

"The old 'Fate will decide it all' message?" Grass speculated.

Foliage chuckled. "Yeah... But it's true, right?"

"I mean... yeah, but I hear it all the time; especially from Bluegrass."

"That sounds like something he'd say."

"It actually does—" Foliage was interrupted by a PA dinging.

"Hello everybody!" the voice on the other side of the intercom said. The voice seemed to get everyone's attention, as the whole house was now silent.

"It seems that everyone is here, which means this game has officially started!" the voice exclaimed. "In your rooms — as the letter had stated — some of you might have found your object for your role, and all of you have found a journal.

"This journal is going to be crucial to this game. Some of you, your journal is your object. For others, you could use it as a... informational text. Take note of these nights, maybe even add your role as a... last resort."

"That sounds ominous, but I'll take it," Dark Markery stated.

"Oh, why, thank you!" the voice cheered. "Anywho, I also have cameras everywhere. I know who's who, and if anything happens..." the voice paused, adding suspense. "I will know. And before anyone asks, no, you are not asking me for help. The way this game will go depends on what you do and say, so make your decisions wisely.

"As the game progresses, you are allowed to reveal your role, but save it as a last resort. Don't suddenly blurt it out just because you want to."

"That's totally not scary," Peppermint stated.

"That is all I have to say, enjoy the game!" the voice cheered, and logged off. Everyone knew the unspoken words of the mysterious speaker: And be careful. After all, anything could happen.

Dark Nights; Hidden Frights || Find the Markers x Flickerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن