Chapter 1: The Curse

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The Ghost Council POV

We open on a spooky place; ghosts traverse the screen before clearing up to reveal the spooky island. This is the Ghost Council, who is currently interviewing ghosts to sprinkle some misery to the human world

Sir Alister: Your performance... is disappointing.

Thunder strikes as we cut to a closer view of the council in session

Bartholomew: Misery is declining...

He point at poofs a meter, currently at the green

Bartholomew: in Cedar Valley!

Lucretia: While joy and happiness are on the rise!

She shows the poofs a meter, which confirms just that

Dog Ghost: There's nothing I can do! They... opened a dog rescue! You can't expect me to compete with puppies!

Sir Alister: That is precisely what the Chairman expects.

Pan up to reveal the Chairman, a towering black phantom

He points... the dog ghost is suddenly wrapped in the flow of failed phantoms

Dog Ghost: Don't send me to the Flow of Failed Phantoms!

The Flow of Failed Phantoms re-emerges

Dog Ghost: Please! I can do better! They had... PUPPIES!!!!!....

The dog ghost is sucked in; no more of her. The flow of failed phantoms retreats

He sighs

Sir Alister: Just one last ghost to review...

The other members voice their disapproval

Lucretia: Not him.

She grunts

Bartholomew: Must we?

She covering face with one hands

Bailiff Ghost: The Ghost Council summons... Scratch.

From the ground, a portal surfaces, and... out comes a trashcan with a ghost in it

He munching

He realizing where he is

Scratch: Hm-what?

He waves at the council, holding pizza slice

Scratch: Hey! The Ghost Council! You guys are lookin' good.

He goes up to the chairman

Scratch: Especially you, Mr. Tower of Dour, here. Mr. Chairman, emanema-nee!

He chuckles

The grimbella order him down, and he goes. The pizza slice lands on sir alister

Grimbella: Scratch, you are rude...

Bartholomew: crude...

Sir Alister: and disgusting!

Lucretia: But we can't argue with your numbers. 

She shows the poofs a meter again, this time one linked to Brighton

Lucretia: Your town of Brighton is truly a miserable place.

Sir Alister: We shall mark your performance as... "adequate." Now, our work is done!

Grimbella: Yes, we are off to the Haughty Haunts Club!

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