◌ºঃ Why, are you scared? ◌ºঃ

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"Bubbles, stop tugging on my sleeve!"

"I want to curl up and die."

"Well, can you do that somewhere else?"

"Just keep an eye out for me, will you?"

Emiri essentially hid behind Bakugou as the two walked through the U.A. halls. They'd arrived together at school that morning from Bakugou's house, she'd stayed over two nights and had yet to talk to her older brother since.

The two were shot with a few intrigued looks; it wasn't every day that they saw Bakugou walking with a girl, especially someone who wasn't in the hero course.

The two turned a corner towards Emiri's class, Bakugou immediately spotting the candy cane looking male waiting outside her classroom.

Bakugou groaned as he turned around, grabbing her by the shoulders and manoeuvring her into an empty classroom nearby. Still holding her, he peered over head and out the classroom door, face serious as he tried to scope out Shoto.

She gazed up at him, slightly dazzled by his neutral expression. Emiri had to admit; he was gorgeous. Even if he looked a tiny bit stressed with his furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips, she silently zoned out as she admired his angular features and pretty, cherry eyes.

He sighed, looking down at Emiri only to raise an eyebrow at her. Her beady eyes were dazed, lips slightly apart as she burned holes into his face.

That was when he noticed their close proximity, slightly pushing her body away from his which seemed to snap her out of her daydreams.

"What're you lookin' at?" Bakugou accused, eyes narrowing.

She clicked her tongue, crossing her arms.

"Damn, your face is ugly again." He scowled at her words.


She grabbed at his face, pulling it until his face relaxed.

He slapped at her cold hands, "what the fuck are you doing?!"

Emiri hit his hands back, "you look nicer when you're not pulling such ugly faces at me."

His face flushed red, "are you fucking kidding me? We're hiding from your brother right now, is this really the time?"

She pouted, "you looked so pretty! You kinda look like your mum, y'know?"

Bakugou's features loosened at her words. She was about to compliment him again until he opened the door, grabbing her again before forcibly pushing her out the classroom.

Emiri screamed, trying to run back inside the classroom.

"I was kidding! Please, have mercy on me, Bakuboom!"

His eyebrow twitched at her words, letting her pull them back into the classroom.

In all honesty, he was only helping her in the first place because he didn't want to be around his friends who'd seen the two come to the dorms together that morning – Emiri wearing one of his hoodies since her sweater had gotten damaged during their spar.

He simply did not have the energy to explain the situation, at least, that's what he told himself.

"How am I supposed to get to my classroom if he's there?" Emiri whispered as she leaned to the right, looking past his arm to get a peek at her brother.

Bakugou turned around so his back was to her, also sneaking a look at Shoto who was beginning to look like one of those gargoyle statues outside creepy, old houses. 

𝘮𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘺 | 𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙭 𝙤𝙘Where stories live. Discover now