◌ºঃ it's nothing ◌ºঃ

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Shoto groaned, hitting his head on the living room table.

The Todoroki twins were sitting around Class 2A's common room table late at night, the room completely empty if it weren't for them.

They sat across from each other, piles and piles of paper spread out messily across the wooden table and short lead refillables scattered around Emiri's workbook.

Speaking of his twin sister, she mirrored his groan, dropping her mechanical pencil on the table before holding her heavy head.

"I love you, Shoto, but I understand nothing!" She whisper-shouted, not wanting to wake any of his classmates.

He ran his pale fingers through his two toned hair, intermixing the two colours as he silently stressed himself out over his sister's inability to understand his words.

Ever since he and Emiri got into U.A., the twins studied together most days of the week to keep each other focused. He even attempted to help her with her school work despite being in different classes.

Shoto was the poster child of the perfect brother. He tried his best to support Emiri in any way he could since she'd been unsuccessful at joining the hero course. Even if that meant spending hours helping her with maths homework since she had dyscalculia.

But of course, he could only be patient for so long. He is her brother, not her tutor.

"We are twins, how do you not understand anything I'm teaching you?" He asked, his heterochromatic eyes glaring into her pure, blue diamonds for eyes.

She leaned in to glare at him back, her hands propped on the table as she hunched over.

"It's because you took all the brain cells in the womb!" She hissed, pointing an accusing finger at him.

He slapped her finger out of the way, Emiri letting out an offended gasp before she leaned over the desk to grab at his hair.

"That is so immature, get your hands off me!" Shoto hissed, grabbing at her long strands too.

Emiri was about to yell something until the front doors of the building suddenly slammed open.

The siblings turned to the door, freezing as they caught sight of the drooping figure of one of Shoto's classmates, the male clearly fatigued from the slow way he entered the common room.

"Bakugou?" Shoto said, letting go of Emiri's hair. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

Shoto worriedly walked around the table towards Bakugou.

Emiri observed as the blonde male entered the light, her eyes widening as she caught sight of his state.

He was in his hero suit – which had a few holes and dirt staining the surface. The black mask he usually wore was lifted on top of his head, matted to his hair and his body shivering. He was drenched in water from head to toe. But she didn't question it and assumed it must've been a rough day at the hero agency he was interning with.

Emiri's body stiffened as she noticed how he held his left shoulder, his gloved fingers moving slightly to reveal his shoulder was severely dislocated.

She snapped out of her thoughts, tuning in Bakugou and Shoto's bickering.

"Bakugou, you're injured." She spoke up, taking the pastel green hoodie off her shoulders.

Bakugou turned to her, actually surprised by her presence. He didn't even realise she was there from how quietly she observed them.

He didn't know much about Emiri besides that she was Shoto's younger twin and often hung around his friend group and classmates at times. The only feature he actually knew about her was that she was talkative, quiet was the last thing he would describe her as so it surprised him that she managed to catch him off guard.

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